NRA's Wayne LaPierre Disparages The Female Demographic
Wayne LaPierre's NRA Annual Meeting was a sexist, hate-filled, anti-Hillary Clinton gathering starring most of the GOP clown car-hopefuls.
The only occupant of the clown car who was missing from the NRAAM 2015 was Rand Paul, because he aligned himself with a different ammosexual group. Let's face it, the GOP is for the loosest gun laws while claiming to be the most ethically and morally superior people in the nation.
Right at this very moment, another shooter (a white man with an eye tattoo) is on the loose after taking a life of an employee at Wayne County Community College, in North Carolina. Still, the right wing gun enthusiasts believe the only answer to gun violence is more guns. This year's NRA Annual Meeting was a celebration of white people having the right to have more guns and asserting that the presidency should revert to a white man, as it should always be.
In the video above, Wayne LaPierre abandons racism (for just a moment) and embraces the sexism the G.O.P. finds so attractive. LaPierre spoke Saturday, the day before Hillary aired her candidacy declaration for 2016. First, he whined about President Obama's gun-grabbing agenda, which exists only in his mind, then he announced the imminent "coronation" of Hillary Clinton. President Obama apparently shoved his vision for America 'down our throats' and we need to 'restore our freedom.'
"I have to tell you, eight years of one demographically symbolic president is enough. Eight years of the Obama-Clinton regime has sent our nation into a tailspin of moral decay, deceit and destruction. And the NRA will fight like never before, I promise you, for the next 650 days (of Obama's term) to protect our American freedom and elect a president who shares our values and our rights as a free people.
The message was the same across the board. The white man must regain control of the White House.
The roughly 70,000 Confederate revanchists, ammosexuals, and gun-toting thugs who make up the NRA’s roughly 4 million members (who attended) this year's (NRAAM)
seem to dominate the G.O.P.'s all white, male message. This narrative won't resonate with the changing demographics that the GOP/NRA fear so much. In my humble opinion, the G.O.P. shouldn't keep it a secret how anti-women, anti-minority and pro-gun proliferation they are. Jockeying for the farthest fringe voters of the Republican Party may win primaries, but it won't win a bid for 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.