Rand Paul Hopes His Stepford Wife Can Humanize Him

Kelley Paul, Rand's "secret weapon," appears on the curvy couch to tell the world what a woman-loving, swell guy he is.

The New York Times featured an article on Kelley Paul, wife of presidential hopeful, Rand Paul. The piece, entitled, Kelley Paul Has a Task: To Make Rand Paul More Approachable, is based on several rough encounters during week one of his presidential campaign. She appeared on Fox and Friends to counteract the negative image her husband has, so erroneously, acquired. She was also plugging a book, which goes on sale today.

Kelley is a woman whom the campaign will use as often as possible. She makes the oft irascible and brusque Rand seem like the husband, humanitarian and father of the year, who has the utmost respect for women. Kelley knows exactly what to say, probably because she has a background in political strategy.

Kelly J. Ashby Paul is his connection to Kentucky as well.

The couple met in Atlanta, while Paul was a surgical intern at Georgia Baptist Medical Center, at a backyard oyster roast. That was 1989, and the two were married in 1991.

She said at a speaking engagement in Owensboro (Ky.) in 2010, that although Rand was not born in the state, “(she) got him here as soon as (she) could.”

She worked for the political consulting firm Strategy Group for Media, ironically where one client she worked for was Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Kelley has deeply Republican roots, which explains the couple's affinity for the John Birch Society.

Not long after meeting "Randy" as he was always known, Kelley told him that his name didn’t seem appropriate for an adult, and she renamed him (Rand) . Rand's own mother said, “When he and Kelley met, he was a big boy. He could be Rand.” See, he does listen to women.

Her friends, a.k.a. sorority sisters, urged her to write a book about how a person's external circumstances shouldn't define them, it is what's inside that counts.

The book, which is being published by Hachette Book Group, is about the bonds of friendship that tied together her group of college friends.

The stories are certainly not reflective of the lives of the typical, impoverished Kentuckian. They are about a more idyllic time where people could live the American dream and survive on a single salary in the family. Hers is quite a stretch from the background of President and Mrs. Obama, whose parents didn't hand them the cash for a college education.

Kelley Paul (center) and her diverse group of friends

Naturally, Kelley shares her political party's disdain for the Clintons. In a 2013 interview for Vogue Magazine, Mrs. Paul's derision of Bill Clinton's late 1990's scandal was the reason she doesn't approve of Hillary.

As Hillary Clinton’s bid for the White House becomes more and more likely, Kelley is less than thrilled with the prospect of Bill Clinton becoming America’s “first gentleman.” Kelley slammed the former President for his “predatory” behavior toward former intern Monica Lewinksy and called his Oval Office exploits “offensive to women.”

I remember when Rand Paul made these comments that President Clinton was a sexual predator, which disqualified Hillary from the Oval Office. His politically savvy wife has shaped many of his opinions, while coming off as a sweet, dutiful and adoring wife.

Kelley Paul claimed that her first week on the campaign trail was nothing but positive.

"It's been exciting, it's been great. The day he announced was amazing."

Of course life among a privileged white family and wealthy friends is nothing but unicorns and rainbows. All Kelley has to do is skew reality to make her Heritage/Bircher husband seem like a kind-hearted, regular guy. Such is the job of a Republican political consultant/wife.

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