RNC Chair Priebus: Romney Only Needed '10 Percent Of Black Vote' To Win

Reince Priebus is still pretending that the Republicans care about reaching out to minorities.

RNC Chairman Reince Priebus took some time out from attacking Hillary Clinton to respond to Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer's question about how they plan on winning the next presidential election given the disadvantage they have when you look at the electoral map from the last election.

If Priebus had answered him honestly, he's have said by hook or crook, voter suppression and cheating anywhere they can get away with it, but he pretended that they're still interested in that minority outreach program of theirs that's going so well instead.:

SCHIEFFER: I was looking at the electoral map you are talking about, the states that have the most -- that have been the most solidly Democratic since 1992, the Democrats start off with a huge advantage, about 242 electoral votes, they only need 270 to win, you start off probably in those states with 102 votes or overall 102 votes. It looks to me like you are starting -- you have got a high hill to climb here.

PRIEBUS: There is no doubt we have to be about perfect and the other side can be about good, so the fact is, we do have a higher burden, but if you just look at the 2012 map or the 2008 map, I think you are right, but if you look at some of the things we have done at the RNC, some of the things Rand Paul was just talking about in expanding the map in the black community and the Hispanic community.

Cory Gardner all about one Hispanic vote in Colorado, John Kasich got 20 percent of the black vote in Ohio, if Mitt Romney would simply have gotten 10 percent or 12 percent of the black vote, 37 percent of the Hispanic vote he would be president right now, so we are working on expanding the map.

But it means not just showing up once every four years five months before the election. It means talking for two and three years in these communities about things that we have in common, before you go in and sell the final product. That's what we are working hard at at the RNC. It's not the most exciting topic as far as mechanics but this is how you win presidential elections and this is what I am focused on as chairman of the party.

A whole ten percent, huh? At the rate they're going they're going with alienating minority voters, they're going to "expand it" right about down to zero. Romney sure as hell tried the last time around.

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