Russell Brand Explains Why Fox News Pundits ‘Have To Attack Bowe Bergdahl’

Russell Brand has some devastating commentary about Fox News’ attacks on Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. It’s also devastatingly funny – mostly at host Greg Gutfeld’s expense!

Russell Brand has some devastating commentary about Fox News’ attacks on Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. It’s also devastatingly funny – mostly at host Greg Gutfeld’s expense!

After skewering Gutfeld, Brand gets to some serious truth. Bergdahl left his unit because he was having a crisis of conscience about the war. Yet Fox made him out as some kind of slacker who stepped out for a lark.

BRAND: The patriotic, right-wing narrative is all about how we have to support troops and how we have to be loyal to the military but the people that are the least loyal to the military, that offer the least support are those institutions themselves.

Brand was referring to Fox's blind eye to the high rate of suicides, mental problems, PTSD and homelessness among veterans. Which Fox seems rather unconcerned with, especially in Bergdahl’s case.

But then Brand explained how the troops are little more than props and pawns for Fox. When the troops are convenient and helpful to the Fox agenda, it loves them. When not, Fox ditches them.

BRAND: They just pretend to care as long as they’re not causing problems, as long as they’re fulfilling corporate will. But if any of ‘em dare to speak out, or tell the truth or challenge the abiding narrative that Fox News profits from and these big corporations benefit from, then those people are not heroes, they’re not supported, they become villains.

Who supports the troops? Not Fox News.

Watch it above. Warning: coffee spray alert!

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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