Unions To Kick Off Ad Campaign Against Fast Track

The AFL-CIO will launch a massive six figure advertising campaign to pressure 16 Senators and 36 Members of Congress to oppose fast track.

Good to see the unions reaching out to the public on TPP. TV and radio ads will be especially effective. From a press release today:

As soon as Congress introduces Trade Promotion Authority, also known as “fast track,” the AFL-CIO will launch a massive six figure advertising campaign to pressure 16 Senators and 36 Members of Congress to oppose fast track. The campaign, which will run through August, will begin with digital ads and may expand into TV, radio and newspaper ads.

“These ads -- which follow months of rallies, congressional meetings and unprecedented grassroots activities -- will remind politicians that the trade debate is enormously important to working families. We have seen too often how bad trade deals have devastated our communities. We can’t afford to pass fast track, which would lead to more lost jobs and lower wages. We want Congress to keep its leverage over trade negotiations -- not rubber stamp a deal that delivers profits for global corporations, but not good jobs for working people,” said AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka.

The announcement of the advertising campaign comes in the middle of an unprecedented week of action and is part of a massive mobilization effort by organized labor and its allies to pressure Congress to maintain its leverage over trade policy.

This Saturday, the AFL-CIO and its member unions are organizing more than 50 events throughout the country. Yesterday, the United Steelworkers hosted a rally on Capitol Hill. Since March, union members, environmentalists, small business owners, progressives and community allies have made more than 86,000 phone calls to Members of Congress, gathered more than 40,000 petition signatures, and organized more than 400 events across the country.

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