Walker Keeps Hate For Gays Alive

Walker wants to see a constitutional marriage to ban gay marriages

Less than a month ago, it was reported that Scott Walker dished out more than a million dollars in his futile effort to stop marriage equality. Despite losing that costly battle, Walker made it abundantly clear that his bigotry and hatred is still burning brightly:

Wearing a suit — with no mention of whether it was from Kohl's — and pacing the stage, Walker was at ease, peppering a few new elements into a stump speech he's given throughout the country as he considers a presidential bid. In his voice, the wear of two days' worth of events across the state could be heard, but his speech drew cheers, stomps and applause.

Just before he took the stage, Walker told reporters he's holding out hope that the U.S. Supreme Court will rule that states can bar same-sex marriages. But if that's not the case, he suggested that voters should seek a constitutional amendment to allow state-level bans.

"I think the appropriate route is for people across America who care deeply about this issue to pursue a constitutional amendment allowing the states to determine what the definition is," Walker told reporters.

When the Supreme Court declined to hear Wisconsin's case last fall, Walker said, "For us, it's over in Wisconsin." But his comments on Saturday indicated he's not ready to walk away from the fight.

He made no mention of a constitutional amendment in his speech, but reaffirmed his belief that marriage "is between one man and one woman" and that states should be the ones to define the terms.

Just another example showing that Walker wants to be president so badly that he doesn't care whose necks he steps on to get there.

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