What The Iran/U.S. Nuclear Framework Deal Means

The Young Turks' Cenk Uygur breaks down the latest on the Iranian nuclear deal.

Regardless of the predictable right-wing outrage over the deal with Iran, as The Young Turks' Cenk Uygur discusses here, it's sounds like the Obama administration managed to get a pretty good deal negotiated, and definitely a better one than a lot of people were expecting.

From The Washington Post: Obama announces outlines of a nuclear deal: ‘If Iran cheats, the world will know’:

President Obama on Thursday announced a potentially historic nuclear agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the culmination of intense negotiations between the United States, Iran and several world powers.

Speaking from the Rose Garden, Obama stressed that the deal -- which none of the parties involved have yet formally agreed to -- represented the best possible path to prevent Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon.

“Sanctions alone could not stop Iran's nuclear program, but they did help bring Iran to the negotiating table. Because of our diplomatic efforts, the world stood with us,” Obama said. “Today, after many months of tough principle diplomacy, we have achieved the framework for that deal.

"And it is a good deal, a deal that meets our core objectives," the president added.As part of the unprecedented framework, the Iranian government has agreed not to stockpile materials it could use to build a nuclear weapon. In exchange, the United States and several world powers have agreed to provide Iran with relief from certain sanctions placed on it by the international community.

You can read more from the State Department's fact sheet that Cenk was commenting on in the segment above here: Fact sheet from State Department: Parameters of plan on Iran nuclear program.

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