Wisconsin Preacher Tells Members How To Vote
Someone doesn't want to keep their tax exempt status
Leading up to Tuesday's spring election in Wisconsin, Pastor Fred Smith of the Watertown Community Church had an interesting message for his congregation - how to vote in the election.
Smith tells his flock that he put a flier in the church bulletin which was published by the Wisconsin Family Council, a conservative religious group that promotes their agenda under the guise of being an educational group. They promote such things like Indiana's recently passed Right to Bigotry law.
Using this flier as justification, Smith preaches against the eeeeevvvvvvil, liberal Justice Ann Walsh Bradley and why people should vote for the conservative, corporate-controlled James Daley. In the name of Christianity, of course.
It seems that the authorities need to look into the tax exempt status of this church. It is a definite no-no to turn the church pulpit into a bully pulpit. Then again, judging from some of the church's partners, such as Wisconsin Right to Life and Alliance Defending Freedom, it seems that they make a common habit of mixing religion and politics.
Fortunately for Wisconsin, Smith's sphere of influence is rather limited and Justice Ann Walker Bradley was easily able to maintain her seat on the state supreme court.
[Ed. Note: Smith isn't just a church pastor. He's also president of the local City Council]