Appreciate Through Compassion & Care

Cosmic forecasts to create balance for self development and relationship compatibility.

Appreciate Through Compassion & Care

Venus will move from unattainable Gemini on Thursday May 7, and enter the compassionate, loving waters of Cancer. In this slippery shift during the next four weeks, our values will begin to change. What matters most; like principles, standards, love, relationships and money will slowly reshape.. morphing into something that is a bit more sensitive, personable and supportive.

If you do a good job for others, you heal yourself at the same time, because a dose of joy is a spiritual cure. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Cravings will soften, and we’ll hunger for something that’s sweet, to satisfy our taste buds and appetite. Something soft and mushy that slowly melts in our mouth, that we can just really enjoy and savor. We want somone and/or something that makes us feel good. We’ll want ‘mothered’, or to ‘mother’ others. A comfy sense of home with domesticated beauty to decorate our world, with a large splash of kindness. This is female/ yin energy, to support our personal longing for what proves to be warmhearted, nurturing and unselfish.

Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. Mother Teresa

In this female cardinal realm in the weeks ahead, we’ll care for what we ‘have and hold onto’, and shamelessly protect what reflects love and sacredness. This is a strong maternal energy that reaches out to help, comfort, heal, and sometimes even adopt, with stray animals, lost individuals, underdogs, black sheeps, broken hearts, victims of abuse, harmed wildlife, and the neglected in nature.

We’ll be reminded of our delicate, yet heroic hearts from youth – when we could courageously save the helpless – with the natural healing of a simple touch. And this is what we yearn for; reaching outward; to be needed, in order to feel love. Make time to hold hands, to share a shoulder to lean on, but to mostly hug more – where hearts actually touch.

Grace is given to heal the spiritually sick, not to decorate spiritual heroes. Martin Luther

In the weeks ahead, it would be fair to mention that some of us may experience the dark side of Venus transiting through Cancer too. All that had been shared, cared for and flourishing in beauty – could experience an extreme drought overnight. Givers and caregivers will become more aware of their personal and emotional resources during this time. If assets, feelings or funds are running on empty, the giver will ration to conserve – or simply hit the switch to shut off to what has been shared. Givers will want valid proof that their compassion, care and understanding are genuinely being appreciated and respected.

The proverb warns that ‘You should not bite the hand that feeds you. But maybe you should, if it prevents you from feeding yourself. Thomas Szasz

Unexpected currents (possibly expressed from Sunday’s Scorpion Full Moon) may have stirred hidden sensitivities, by delivering defensive moods and a need for self-protection. With Pluto retrograde, and now Mercury retrograde growing closer, miscommunications and misunderstanding may be on the rise. Dare to see the whole picture from both sides with Mercury in Gemini, to find where situations bcame stale, insecure, misused or possibly self-limiting. Givers can close themselves off to conserve their resources for self-care, or receivers can help to restore peace with balance – by simply sharing to give back. And like Stephen Still’s lyrics, ‘if you can’t be with the one you love, then love the one you’re with.

This week's Tarot insight is: Readjusting for a fair return from the EightCupsrx/TwoPentacles. Check out the May Tarotscope for additional insight. For more information about the author or a personalized consult, click here.

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