Breitbart's Michael Flynn Seeks Aaron Schock's Vacant Seat

A member of the Breitbart Army seeks to inflict his brand of ultra-Conservatism on the constituents once represented by Aaron Schock

It's time for more Teabaggery in Illinois. The latest anti-establishment challenger has all sorts of experience practicing the Republican Dark Arts. Not only is Michael Flynn a Breitbart editor, but he's also part of the same nutty movement that works much like Ted Cruz's brand of teabaggery. He is part of the insidious, cult-like, Groundswell movement, which seeks to control society from many fronts.

Prior to Flynn's declaration, the "establishment" conservative, Darin LaHood, was the shoe-in for the very red district. LaHood, according to Conservative strategist and serial liar John Fund, has an unfortunate name which disqualifies him from being part of this elite club of right wing thugs. LaHood's father worked for the Obama Administration as Secretary of Transportation. Fund introduces the Breitbart candidate like a decorated war veteran, except without any noble accomplishments:

Mike Flynn plans to be that alternative. A 47-year-old political activist, he played a major role in exposing the scandals that brought down the leftist group ACORN and went on to edit the Big Government website founded by the late Andrew Breitbart. The site has been a go-to source of stories exposing the politically correct obsessions of liberals and the non-confrontational habits of Republican leaders.

Does he really think the Republicans have been too cooperative? Fund and other Teaparty operatives celebrate this insidious member of the Groundswell Movement. Members of Groundswell include unhinged Conservatives like Allen West and Ginnie Thomas (and Michael Flynn), a movement formed to combat both Democrats and Karl Rove.

Groundswell has collaborated with conservative GOPers on Capitol Hill, including Sens. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) and Cruz and Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.), a leading tea partier. At its weekly meetings, the group aims to strengthen the right’s messaging by crafting Twitter hashtags; plotting strategy on in-the-headlines issues such as voter ID, immigration reform, and the sequester; promoting politically useful scandals; and developing “action items.”

This Breitbart smear-master will present a tough challenge to LaHood, who had this race already in the bag.

Ex-Congressman Schock’s Peoria-based district is a Republican stronghold, the product of a Democratic gerrymander so extreme that Mitt Romney carried it by 24 points in 2012. That effectively means the winner will be decided in the July 7 GOP primary.

If there's any question this man lacks integrity, listen to what Red State's Erick Ericksen said about Flynn:

His reporting was instrumental in bringing down leftist-group ACORN and helped make investigative journalist James O’Keefe a household name. His credentials in the conservative movement are un-matched.”

Anyone who holds O'Keefe in high esteem is both dishonest and insane, as his methods of "journalism" have been discredited. If voters cared to be educated, they'd realize that the entire ACORN/Voter ID crusade was based on lies. But these are Republican voters, and simply falling under the guise of the G.O.P. indicates that you are either easily duped or intentionally selfish.

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