Neil Cavuto Lashes Out At President Obama For Telling The Truth About Fox

Someone needs to tell Fox's Neil Cavuto he should leave the comedy to the comedians.

Fox's Neil Cavuto responded to President Obama rightfully calling out the Republican propaganda network for their constant shaming of those living in poverty with an extremely lame attempt at humor, and of course by ignoring the countless hours of Faux "news" doing just that.

The best any of Cavuto's enablers regulars on his weekend program could come up with was to blame President Obama for the fact that the economy hasn't recovered quickly enough to suit them, and the fact that we've still got record income disparity in the United States, and to pretend that somehow President Obama was supposed to be able to fix that all by himself. Never mind the fact that he's had an obstructionist Congress to deal with determined to take his presidency down from the day he got elected.

Their other line was to attack Media Matters for having the audacity to record the race-baiting and shaming of those living in poverty that is aired on Fox day after day and week after week -- because we all know the real problem is that someone is recording and tracking what they say, not the hatred they're constantly spewing.

It seems President Obama hit a nerve over there, because they've been whining about his comments for the better part of a week now.

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