CBS' John Dickerson: Clinton 'More Exposed' On Iraq War Than Jeb Bush

Here's what we get to look forward to as Bob Schieffer's replacement on Face the Nation.

Here's what we get to look forward to as Bob Schieffer's replacement on Face the Nation. From the CBS Evening News this Thursday, host Scott Pelley and CBS News political director John Dickerson were discussing Jeb Bush's recent flip-flops on whether or not he would have invaded Iraq, this is what the viewers were treated to from Dickerson:

Will Jeb Bush's handling of Iraq war questions hurt his chances?:

CBS News political director John Dickerson says although Bush struggled to find his voice on a predictable question, it may not be a major factor in Bush's likely run for the Republican nomination for president.

"The good news for Jeb Bush is that these kinds of things stick around when your opponents use them to keep hammering you, well, Republican opponents are not going to be talking about the Iraq War in their contests," said Dickerson.

Dickerson says Hillary Clinton is more exposed to criticism on the Iraq War than Jeb Bush is, because Clinton voted to authorize the war.

So let me get this straight. Hillary Clinton has admitted her vote to give Jeb's brother the authorization to go into Iraq was a mistake a while ago. Jeb, as of this very week was still defending his brother, saying he's advising him on foreign policy, and as I noted in my post on Jon Stewart's segment this Thursday, was a member of PNAC that was pushing for the invasion along with the rest of the neocons.

But Clinton is the one who is "more exposed." Really?

I guess it's not a problem for him as long as we've got people like Dickerson out there willing to completely ignore Bush's history on foreign policy and the fact that he's just as big of a neocon hawk as his brother.

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