Fox Complains That Women's Magazines Are In The Tank For Hillary

The talking heads at Fox have discovered yet another Hillary Clinton "scandal."

I'm sure it will come to no one's surprise that it appears this story originated over at Republico Politico. The talking heads on Faux "news" are terribly upset that women's magazines are being too kind to Hillary Clinton.

Hasselbeck, Ingraham: Women’s Mags in the Tank for Hillary:

Fox & Friends host Elisabeth Hasselbeck warned Tuesday morning that women’s magazines were already in the tank for Hillary Clinton, causing conservative radio host Laura Ingraham to speculate that the entire of the American culture industry would assemble for Clinton.

“You look at some of the past covers here, and the coverage of the Clinton family in general, it suggests readers will be getting a heavy dose of liberal cheerleading,” Hasselbeck said, citing Vogue editor Anna Wintour’s stated desire for female president. “Their reach is 53 million, when you put all these publications together.” [...]

“It’s really smart for Hillary and Bill and Michelle and Barack to cultivate these other cultural barometers,” Ingraham said. “They happen to be dominated by liberals. Conservatives don’t have a counterweight to that. They don’t have their own version of Vogue.” (This is an old complaint.)

“You will see Hollywood completely motivated to try to get Hillary elected just as they were with the Obamas,” Ingraham said, describing something that never happened. “It’s going to be ramped up across television. I wouldn’t be surprised if children’s shows had a Hillary push.”

Watch out! They'll be going after children's shows and Sesame Street next on Fox. Oh wait... too late!

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