Fox News: Illegal Activity Is Only 1% Of Motorcycle Gang Culture

Peter Johnson Jr. explains his fascinating history of motorcycle gangs, insisting only a small fraction of members are involved in organized crime.

Elisabeth Hasselbeck describes the immense criminal magnitude of the events in Waco this past Saturday and wants to know how big are motorcycle gangs in this country. This long running segment called "Prescription for Justice" has enlisted their noted Obamacare Death Panel Liar, Peter Johnson Jr. Johnson Jr. is their defender of maligned Christians, especially in the military. He warned that if we did away with the Grand Jury system, we will destroy America. The epitome of white, male, Christian privilege with a "legal expertise" is going to break down the whole subculture of Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs (OMGs) for us.

It all began back after World War II, veterans in World War II. It takes us back to Marlon Brando immortalizing biker gangs, remember him as the leather-clad hard nose type, take a look (they showed a clip from The Wild One).

Then Johnson showed a few scenes from the melee that ensued after several dozen of members of Hell's Angels were paid $500 in beer to act as security at the Altamont Festival (Dec. 1969) One gang member infamously stabbing an 18 year old to death, just twenty feet away from the stage where the Rolling Stones were playing.

It was during the Rolling Stones’ set, however, that a 21-year-old Hell's Angel named Alan Passaro stabbed a gun-wielding 18-year-old named Meredith Hunter to death just 20 feet in front of the stage where Mick Jagger was performing “Under My Thumb.”

Since then, hundreds of motorcycle gangs have sprung up (and they show this graphic).

Credit: Fox News

So Elisabeth asks him, once more, to give her the numbers of these gang members. Before he could answer the total number, he explains that it is really just a minuscule percentage that are involved in illicit activities. Most do "good things" like charitable work. They love bikes. But there's a subculture called the one percenters and they do the criminal deeds. The numbers spiked in the sixties and seventies but the ranks have been decimated by FBI, local police and the ATF. Now they try to stay under the radar, so this event in Texas was strange. Oddly enough, the person asking the numbers question, Hasselbeck, suggested that

there are 35,000 at least involved in these gangs, so is this the face of biker wars, does Waco really set forward this new war?

Johnson names a bunch of gangs that each have roughly 8 to 900 people, so this criminal element exists. By his calculations, these events could happen again, but according to Johnson, there's absolutely no way of tracking it. (yes, there is) Besides, Fox News wants the viewers to concentrate on criminal elements in the minority community, not most of these OMG members who are white.

Furthermore, OMGs are almost entirely white in the U.S., with the exception of the largely Chicano Mongols MC. Many outlaw bikers are racists, and there are strong links between the respective cultures of outlaw bikers and white supremacists.

When Fox News discussed riots from poor urban U.S. areas where civil unrest has occurred, the last thing they tried to do was to explain, first and foremost, that the looters were only a very small fraction of the total protesters. They said thugs, plain and simply, and did not mention the GOOD that so many of these people do. But when we're talking about largely white-populated motorcycle gangs, any negative commentary is prefaced by "most are good, hard-working, upstanding citizens. Isn't that bizarre? Not for Fox News.


Don't worry, Peter Johnson Jr., it's just a smidgen of bikers that are violent.

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