Fox's Bolling And Company Blame Baltimore's Problems On Liberal Economic Policies
Never mind decades of failed trickle-down economic policies on a national level, the talking heads at Fox want to pretend what happens in our cities takes place in a vacuum.
Never mind decades of failed trickle-down economic policies on a national level, the talking heads at Fox want to pretend what happens in our cities takes place in a vacuum.
From this Saturday's Cashin' In on Faux "news," the usual suspects were on there bashing liberals, our social safety nets, and pretending that liberals running our big cities in America are solely responsible for all of the economic woes in communities across the United States, and with impoverished areas that haven't seen the same sort of recovery as a lot of the country following the financial crisis that took place just as President Obama was being sworn into office.
BOLLING: More protesters getting ready to hit the streets in Baltimore and some Democrats now blaming the media and the police for inner-city problems, but should they be pointing the finger at forty years of liberal policies instead? […]
Now Wayne, maybe they should be looking in the mirror?
ROGERS: Well I think so Eric in the following sense. Poverty and despair are results. They're not causes and the economics here and the racial questions here are not pertinent unless you go back and figure out what is the cause of all of this, and most of this is cultural.
Eighty percent of black kids in the United States are born out of wedlock. Now that creates a problem that results in this despair and poverty in the black communities in a lot of the major cities. And the other part about this is no leadership. You've got somebody like Al Sharpton, I mean, the worst, instead of Martin Luther King. That makes a bid difference and that will ultimately cure this problem, but it's going to take a long time.
If this sounds eerily familiar to some of the arguments made on one of their other Saturday "business block" shows and blaming those who are living in poverty for not doing more to change their own situation, don't be surprised, since they're all reading off of the same set of talking points Roger Ailes sent them in the morning.
Bolling continued and made sure he got in the GOP talking point where you say "Democrat" instead of "Democratic" because we all know they hope all their viewers hear is "rat."
BOLLING: Okay, we're going to get to Al in one second, but Jonathan, forty years of Democrat policies, redistribution, high taxation, poverty levels in Baltimore are almost double the national average.
HOENIG: Yeah, I mean Eric, what have the liberal economic policies been over the last forty years? The welfare state and the entitlement mentality, not just for inner-city, but for a lot of folks of meager means. And what has that done? It's inculcated dependency. It's retarded the growth in a lot of these communities, and most importantly, it's destroyed these peoples' self esteem over now many, many generations.
So there's not one factor, but certainly, these policies are a big part.
After continuing their bitching about Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake refusing to respond to their correspondent shoving a microphone in her face when she was about to appear at Sharpton's event this Thursday, host Bolling asked regular Michelle Fields to weigh in.
FIELDS: Well, if the people of Baltimore want to know why their city is the way that it is, all they have to do is look at the Democratic party. These are the people who have been calling the shots for decades. Police abuse is just a breaking point right now, but the reason why the people of Baltimore are upset is because they've been living under liberal policies for decades. We're talking about the state of Maryland that's ranked number ten in the country for the highest taxes.
Baltimore since the 1920's have only had two Republican mayors ever, since the 1920's. I mean, if they want to see what the problem is, all they have to do is look at the fact that they're living under these liberal policies that are preventing them from living up to their full potential.
So what did Fields and the rest of them have to offer when asked what their solutions were for Baltimore's problems when asked. I'm sure you all will be shocked... or maybe not.
School "choice" or in other words, privatizing public education.
Taking shots at Republicans for being too "liberal" by accepting that we've got a minimum wage.
More attacks on the "cultural" problems with the residents of Baltimore and attempting to blame single mothers having children when they're not married as the cause of all of our economic woes across the country.
Rogers repeated his praise of MLK at the end of the segment. Who wants to take dibs that the right wing media would not be treating Dr. King just as badly or worse as they have Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson if he were still alive today and had not been assassinated?