Fox's Scott Brown: Fear Of Being Sued Has Made Police 'Gun Shy'
Former senator turned Fox contributor Scott Brown pulled this one out of his posterior this Tuesday morning.
Former senator turned Fox contributor Scott Brown pulled this one out of his posterior this Tuesday morning. After first playing a portion of an interview with one of their favorite black contributors who likes to come on and attack other black people, Rod Wheeler, and his attack on the DOJ for doing their job and scrutinizing some of these police departments where there have been problems, Brown moved went on to share this little gem with the audience.
Former Sen. Scott Brown: I Don't Want To Say Police Are Gun Shy — 'But They Are':
Former Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) said on Tuesday’s “Fox & Friends” that police officers have become "gun shy" after numerous shootings of black men have received national attention and scrutiny.
Brown’s comments were made during a discussion of Baltimore and the reported violence that continues to plague the city.
“Police morale is at an all-time low; they’re afraid of being sued if they do their job,” Brown said. “They’re — I don’t want to say gun shy — but they are.”
Brown also criticized MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton, who was reportedly traveling to Cleveland after a white cop was exonerated in the deaths of an unarmed black couple killed in a 137-shot rampage.
h/t Media Matters