If There's One Thing Worse Than A Cabal Of Neocon Scumbags Lying Us Into The Wrong War

David Brooks has spent the decade teaching an entire generation of wannabe pundits to sing in perfect harmony from his Church of Lyin'tology hymnal. This is what their song sounds like.

It's a buncha goddamn mouthy Liberals who still keep pointing out that we were lied into the wrong war by a cabal of Neocon scumbags.



Behold the kind of mind-bending idiocy which now walks the land in broad daylight and unashamed because we didn't listen to the alarms being raised by certain goddamn mouthy Liberals and torch the fucking Both Siderist whelping box ten years ago.

From "The Week":

Why liberals tell themselves comforting fables about the Iraq War

[by] Damon Linker

Oh this won't be good.

Yeah, it starts off OK --


In case you've been dozing for a dozen years, or lack the intellectual sophistication of a moderately well-informed college student, the Grand Plan isn't working out too well.

That's bad — though I'd be at least somewhat consoled if politicians and commentators on either side of the aisle showed signs of having learned the right lessons from this world-historical debacle. But no. The Republicans have tripled down on their toughness shtick, insisting against the continent-sized pile of contrary evidence that the world is better off without Hussein in power. (Better for whom, one might ask? The hundreds of thousands of Iraqis who've been killed in the convulsions of violence we unleashed by deposing Hussein? The even greater number of Iraqis, especially Iraqi Christians, who've been displaced by that violence? The people suffering under the Islamic State across wide swaths of western Iraq? The mullahs of Iran who've seen their primary regional rival reduced to an anarchic mess?)


-- but like Socrates' cup of hemlock (vente, skinny, half-syrup, leave room for cream) --

But you know what's even more maddening than the GOP's paroxysms of denial?

-- you've got to drink it all, because the good stuff is at the bottom.

The insistence of leading liberals that the Bush administration lied the U.S. into war by deliberately overstating the threat that Hussein and his nonexistent stockpile of weapons of mass destruction posed to America and the region.

Then, at no extra charge to you the customer, your barista adds in whipped cream and sprinkles --

David Brooks called this story a "fable" in a recent column, and that's exactly what it is.

-- and, a complimentary Both Siderist cherry on top (emphasis added):

It's long past time for both parties to leave behind their comforting fables about Iraq.

David Brooks has spent the decade teaching an entire generation of wannabe pundits to sing in perfect harmony from his Church of Lyin'tology hymnal.

This is what their song sounds like.

Crossposted at driftglass

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