Maher Slams Republican Chickenhawks For Having Learned Nothing From Invading Iraq

Real Time host Bill Maher went after Republicans during his New Rules segment for having learned absolutely nothing from our invasion of Iraq.

Real Time host Bill Maher went after Republicans during his New Rules segment for having learned absolutely nothing from our invasion of Iraq. Maher reminded everyone that this Friday, May 1st is the anniversary of the day back in 2003 when George W. Bush landed on an aircraft carrier and prematurely announced mission accomplished in the Iraq war, or as Digby likes to call it, Happy Codpiece Day.

As Maher reminded his audience, May 1st also happens to be the day that President Obama actually accomplished the mission by ordering Seal Team 6 to go kill bin Laden. In light of those two events, Maher suggested we make May 1st a holiday and call it national Do This, Not That Day.

Maher used the analogy from a show that was on years ago when a bunch of us old farts were kids called Romper Room, and the characters of "Mr. Do Bee" (President Obama) and "Mr. Don't Bee" (Bush) to illustrate the fact that the person we ought to be emulating on foreign policy should be President Obama, who's done most things right, as opposed to former President Bush, who was a "huge fuck up."

Maher wrapped things up by going after Republicans on the campaign trail and their apparent problems with memory loss.

Bill Maher shreds GOP ‘chickenhawks’ for recycling ‘empty tough-guy talk’ on campaign trail:

Bill Maher closed Real Time out on Friday by ripping the current crop of Republican presidential hopes for using the Islamic State extremist group (ISIS) as campaign fodder, much like the party did with Iraq 12 years ago.

“They say, ‘Sh*t in your pants,’ and we say, ‘How much?'” he said. “We’ve learned nothing. The Republican campaign trail today is the same empty tough-guy talk from chickenhawks — same as it was in 2003.”

He mocked former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee for comparing military action against ISIS to blowing a snake’s head off with a shotgun.

“How about once, leave the snake alone? Just go to church and handle something else,” Maher said chidingly. “I’ve been in the woods, and I’ve never had a snake problem that couldn’t be solved by distance.”

Distance, Maher argued, was the key for extremists, who are more likely to attack US military forces when they are inside their countries, and not out of some type of envy over American “freedom.”

“If it helps you conservatives, think of it this way: you don’t like Mexicans in your country, and all they want to do is mow your lawn,” he said.


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