McCain: The World Would Be Better Off If We Had Not Blown The Surge

More revisionist history from warmonger John McCain.

The more things change, the more they stay the same. No matter how many times his talking points on Iraq supposedly being stable when we left the country, or that "the surge" worked, or that we supposedly "won" the invasion "war" in Iraq, John McCain won't stop repeating the same fairy tale.

He may have taken a break from the Sunday bobble head shows this week, but he was right back on Fox this Monday with Neil Cavuto to attack the Obama administration for the recent events in Ramadi.

Here's more on his rambling today from Fox's blog: McCain: ISIS Taking Ramadi Is a 'Disgraceful Chapter in American History' :

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) reacted on "Your World" to ISIS reportedly gaining control of Ramadi after Iraqi government forces abandoned the city.

An estimated 25,000 people fled from the key Iraqi city after ISIS fighters began their assault on the city center over the weekend. [...]

McCain told Neil Cavuto that he's not surprised ISIS has gained control of Ramadi.

"I'm no longer surprised, but just so deeply disappointed," McCain stated. "This is a failure of a policy, which is not enough of everything."

He said that the U.S. should have done more to prevent this from happening.

"My friend Lindsey Graham and I predicted exactly, unfortunately, what was going to happen in Iraq when the president of the United States, against all logic, withdrew every one of our troops from Iraq," McCain stated.

McCain added that the Obama administration still doesn't have a strategy or plan to combat ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

"This is an abject failure. It is really one of the more unfortunate, in my view, disgraceful chapters in American history," McCain said.

Our invasion of Iraq is definitely going to go down as one of the most disgraceful chapters in American history, just not for the reasons McCain wants the viewers at Fox to believe.

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