Megyn Kelly Allows Kevin Jackson To Blame Crime In Baltimore On 'Leftists'

Megyn Kelly and Blacksphere's Kevin Jackson insist all the violence in Baltimore is the fault of Democratic policies.

Megyn Kelly made it abundantly clear, before charges were filed against the six police officers charged with the death of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, that she felt the officers were innocent and the Gray family should simply accept that and move on. Police officers are considered infallible when it comes to the treatment of African-American males, that is, if you ask anyone at the Fox 'News' network. Kelly has been particularly outraged since Marilyn Mosby charged the officers and a grand jury upheld much of what she recommended. Megyn has been a walking press release for the accused officers and firmly believes Mosby was egregiously wrong.

Her segment on the Kelly Files last night included Miami-based civil rights attorney Andell Brown, as the lone voice of sanity. "The Blacksphere" creator, Kevin Jackson, who moonlights on Fox as the token black guy who always, always, always agrees with the Fox 'News' white perspective, made sure the segment conformed to GOP-TV specifications.

Now that the cops feel 'under siege,' how do we deal with the record number of homicides, with May going down as the most violent month in almost twenty years? Naturally, Jackson gets the lion's share of air time, starting off with a monologue blaming this "squarely on the shoulders of (Mayor) Blake." Kelly then asks Brown how do we resolve this crisis created by the whole Freddie Gray/Baltimore PD episode.

Brown reminds her that she previously professed that we 'need to trust the process of the grand jury,' as we did in Ferguson; now that she doesn't like how this all turned out, should the process be questioned? She insisted that the Grand Jury wasn't the problem, the problem lies with D.A. Mosby. This controversial D.A. was not impartial and has created an environment where cops are reluctant to do their jobs in fear of excessive punitive measures. Kelly blames Mosby, Jackson blames Mayor Blake. Either way, it's just another 'blah' person screwing things up with their liberal ideologies.

ANDELL BROWN: Megyn, the idea that officers cannot do their job effectively and be held accountable at the same time is just flat out wrong. It's a slap in the face to the millions of officers that operate with integrity and do the right thing every single day in this country. Those six officers are accused of NOT doing their job and are accused of breaking the law.

JACKSON: Nobody's even saying that. That's just subterfuge. Look, we all realize there are cops that do bad things. That's not what's happening in Baltimore or any of the other major cities in America. What's happening is liberal policies have essentially put all these people together, taken away opportunities, put people in charge that don't know what they're doing, that don't stand behind law and order, who are effectively condoning this type of thing.

And then people like you come along and try to fool people into believing something else. The crime rate in Baltimore, Baltimore is the sixth most dangerous city in the country and you say they've got a cop problem. They've got a crime problem that's been exacerbated by the liberal policies of this mayor and the people that are protecting her.

And the cops have every right to be afraid because they know that these people are going to stand behind these leftists that want to see them go to jail as they try to do their jobs.

KELLY: Go ahead Andell.

BROWN: Kevin, if hyperbole were in the place of evidence, you'd win, but it's not. Just saying that these problems are from leftist policies does not make it so.

JACKSON: Yeah, just like Ferguson.

BROWN: I'm not a politician. I'm a lawyer, so I follow the evidence, and the evidence says that those six officers that were charged...

JACKSON: Did you do that in Ferguson?

BROWN: … there was probable cause for it. The prosecutor agreed after an investigation, and the grand jury, who is independent of the prosecutor arrived at the same conclusion.

KELLY: How did we get there?

BROWN: We must trust the prosecutor whether we like it or not.

KELLY: Go ahead Kevin.

JACKSON: Yeah. Yeah, they did it with frontier justice, because instead of really looking at the evidence and letting it vet out, within hours, this prosecutor, in a very biased way, and I'm not a lawyer, but I'm a free thinking pretty smart guy, and she was biased in how she did this.

Now, at the end of the day, if the evidence comes out and these cops did something wrong, everybody wants to see justice done, but this frontier justice reminds me of the 1800's and lynch mob mentality and that's why the people who are in the streets are in danger.

BROWN: That is nonsense. Stop it.

Jokingly, Megyn ends the segment with you both have to stop it. Thanks for being here. Appreciate it as always (Kevin, as you come through as the perfect traitor to members of your own race).

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