Scott Walker And Star Wars Day: A New Dope
Scott Walker turns to the derp side
On Star Wars Day, Scott Walker's campaign staff thought they would show just how cool and hip their boss is by sending out a ridiculous tweet with the above image.
As it usually goes when a politician tries to be clever, the blow back was almost instantaneous, with nerds calling out his errors and jumping on the fact that the quote was referring to Princess Leia.
Just as quickly, the meme wars started, with one of the best ones coming from NARAL, who jumped on the Princess Leia gaffe:
One that took me a minute to see the difference from Walker's original tweet came from @Darth:
Then again, this theme is old news for Wisconsinites, who were using it since the 2011 protests:
Meanwhile, Jessie Opoien at the Cap Times tried to figure out whether Walker was referring to Ronald Reagan, Mitt Romney or Paul Ryan.
As for me, the only time I want to hear about Scott Walker and Star Wars is when he gets cast as Scotty Perpwalker: