State's Attorney: Freddie Gray's Death A Homicide, Criminal Charges Will Be Brought Against All Six Cops
State's attorney Marilyn Mosby made the announcement just now.
Marilyn Mosby is throwing the book at the Baltimore police officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray with charges that include second-degree murder, manslaughter by vehicle by means of gross negligence, misconduct, and assault in the 2nd degree.
Not only that, she says there was no probable cause to arrest Freddie Gray in the first place:
BALTIMORE — The state attorney of Baltimore, in a unexpected announcement, said Friday that she had probable cause to file homicide charges against the police officers in the death of Freddie Gray, who was died after sustaining a spinal cord injury while in police custody.
In a news conference Friday, Ms. Mosby said that the death of Mr. Gray had been ruled a homicide.
Officers names and charges in Freddie Gray case.
— Trymaine Lee (@trymainelee) May 1, 2015
All six officers involved in #FreddieGray #homicide charged with multiple crimes, includng Caesar Goodson charged with second degree murder.
— Dorothy Roberts (@DorothyERoberts) May 1, 2015
.@meganspecia photos show full list of charges filed against 6 Baltimore officers
— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) May 1, 2015
Marilyn Mosby, state's attorney from Baltimore, is from big Boston family of cops and BC Law School grad. #mapoli
— carolynryan (@carolynryan) May 1, 2015
How does it help the case against the six Baltimore officers to have the states attorney deliver a political speech?
— Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) May 1, 2015