Virginia Residents Protest New Gun Shop, American Dream Dies

Fox News says there's no "American Dream" in Arlington, Va. because residents oppose a gun store.

Credit: NBC Saturday Night Live
Well la-dee-frickin-dah, y'all leftist commies have gone too far this time! Fox "News" cautions its viewers that freedom is on the rocks, again, because the residents of a Washington D.C. suburb are getting bent out of shape over a Veteran, of the U.S. Marines, who wants to open up a second gun shop! Those dang neighborhood 'sissies' are objecting to this new store, what happened to the American Dream? This is unacceptable!

Since when has the mass proliferation of guns in America done anyone any harm? Oh, wait. I forgot about those inconvenient statistics. Guns have now surpassed automobile accidents as the number one killing machine.

We do know American gun ownership far outstrips gun ownership in other countries. “With less than 5 percent of the world’s population, the United States is home to 35-50 percent of the world’s civilian-owned guns,” according to the Small Arms Survey.

Fox "News" and its viewers like to live in Pretendland, where nobody is ever tragically affected by a gun. Even if recent incidents like this, when a two year-old 'accidentally' shoots himself, occur in the very same state as this proposed shop. We all know that more guns = more death. That's an indisputable fact. What's utterly appalling about this particular story is that this 'entrepreneur' who is just an arm of the terrorist organization known as the NRA, is portrayed as a hero by Fox "News" because he's selling guns, and that's his gawd-given right!

Clayton Morris asks the gun-thusiastic James Grant,

"What do you say to critics who say, look, the last thing we need in this country is more guns, more guns on the street, they point to violent crime, we see all this gun crime in different cities, we need to get guns off the street. What do you say to those people?"

Of course Mr. Grant, always the sage, says,

"Well, they're entitled to their opinion."

He feels safer with a gun, so there. Everyone will just have to deal with his family-values gun store, that is, if he gets his way.

The only thing holding up the August grand opening is if the petition, which has 2,000+ signatures thus far, makes its way to the landlord. Grant even bragged he's already signed a five year lease. He is somewhat concerned that the petition might sway the landlord, so that's why he's on Fox "News" to plead his case. Since the GOP is sponsored by the NRA and Fox "News" is GOP TV, is any of this even the least bit surprising? No, of course it isn't.

We need to let those petitioners know that they are supported by a lot of responsible Americans who feel their pain.

“We, the citizens of Arlington County, oppose a gun shop at this location,” the petition at Change.org reads. “It is unconscionable, in an era where our children are forced to practice ‘lock down’ drills designed to train them how to protect themselves from armed intruders, to locate a gun shop anywhere in the vicinity of schools.”

I signed this petition, and I hope you'll sign too.

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