Activist Bree Newsome Removes Confederate Flag From South Carolina Statehouse

Activist Bree Newsome took matters into her own hands to remove this hated symbol.

Activist Bree Newsome took matters into her hands to remove this hated symbol.

via IBT

A woman scaled the flagpole in front of the South Carolina Statehouse Saturday morning and temporarily removed the Confederate flag that flew there. The woman was arrested by State Capitol police along with a man who had entered the grounds with her, the Associated Press reported. The flag was replaced and raised a short time later.

The woman, who was not identified by authorities, was named on social media as Brittany “Bree” Newsome, an activist from North Carolina. Her actions inspired the hashtag #KeepItDown, which was one of the top trending topics on Twitter in the U.S. Saturday. Later in the day, the hashtag #FreeBree was also trending in the U.S.

Rev. Jesse Jackson was one of many who praised Newsome for her actions.

Update: An Indiegogo fundraiser to help defray legal costs is underway now under the hashtag #FreeBree. Supporters donated more than $16,000 toward the $20,000 goal in less than 2 hours. You can donate here.

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