Allen West Fearmongers Over HUD Housing In Rich Neighborhoods

Allen West and his Republican Party want to perpetuate the segregation of the rich and the poor.

It is antithetical to Republican principles: government should never help level the playing field. The rich should live together in harmony while the poor should be kept away from areas of affluence, out of sight, out of mind. Fox and Friends Weekend wants to alert viewers of another outrage of our Nanny State.

Allen West, who once famously tried to resurrect McCarthyism in Congress, who referred to himself as the modern-day Harriet Tubman, is a one-term, former Tea Party Congressman who has built a career on hating Democrats. Lt. Col. West has no respect for our Commander in Chief, actually suggesting that it would be patriotic for the military to ignore President Obama. Once again, West is at it again, vilifying the Obama Administration for 'trying to diversify wealthy neighborhoods.'

From West's website:

In what might be seen as some sort of Democrat political death wish, the Obama administration is taking aim at diversifying wealthy neighborhoods — many of which, it must be noted, are home to its most ardent supporters.

Allen West is doing his job of fear-mongering for Fox 'News.' This is reminiscent the 'Section 8' slur that sparked the McKinney, Texas pool skirmish. West is pandering to the audience who fears the inevitable browning of America.

'They're targeting about 1200 different communities, areas, they want to diversify areas and so what they're doing is coming up with rules from Housing and Urban Development that will be tied to funding that will be under the "Fair Housing Act," to try to get, uh, force integration. What I think is that this is social egalitarianism and equality of outcomes instead of talking about better opportunities so, they're trying to force more lower income individuals or lower income housing in what they believe are affluent neighborhoods to force integration and that's just coercion by the government using taxpayer dollars.'

Substitute host, Pete Hegseth asks,

'You're a Congressman, what could Congress do to push back against these kind of Executive Actions as they move unilaterally. Is there anything that can be done Congressionally to prevent this kind of attempt for a Utopian Society implemented from the top?'

Apparently Hegseth forgot that West is no longer a part of the legislative body, only serving one two-year term that ended in 2012. West praised the efforts of Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) who is fighting this 'battle,' on behalf of all anti-integration Republicans.

A Utopian society to a Black Republican is one where the rich are protected from poor people; people much like a young Allen West who hails from a poor Atlanta neighborhood. It most certainly is not a place where the poor live adjacent to the rich. He claims that he never experienced racism because he was respectful.

West believes our system of Capitalism is infallible, and the inequality that ensues is just something people have to accept. Clarence Thomas, Dr. Ben Carson and this Tea Party hack live their lives denying their own upbringing and seek to destroy opportunities for future generations. Why should Black Republicans be any different than the rest of the party that eschews empathy and reveres greed?

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