Bill Maher Slams Right Wingers For Playing The Poor Persecuted Christian Card

Real Time's Bill Maher took the right wing to task for continually playing the poor, picked on, persecuted conservative Christian card.

Real Time's Bill Maher took the right wing to task for continually playing the poor, picked on, persecuted conservative Christian card during his New Rules segment this Friday night. Whether it's the talking heads over at Faux "news" or the current or soon to be added occupants of the GOP 2016 clown car, they've all been pretending that Christians are somehow under attack, that the dirty stinking hippie liberals have it out for them, and are ready to feed them to the lions.

As Maher rightfully pointed out, in what world? Maher asked who these flamethrowers are talking about, because it sure as hell isn't the leadership in the Democratic party, or our President, or Michael Moore, or Stephen Colbert, or a host others that the right loves to demonize on a regular basis.

Maher did however have one person in mind that they might be talking about.

MAHER: This idea that everybody on the left is plotting against Christianity and wants to wipe out religion is offensive... to me! Because I'm the only media figure on a show week in and week out that says that! And I'll be damned if the credit's going to go to the entire left when I'm doing all the heavy lifting!

Maher ran through a long list of who they might be trying to demonize, other than himself, from Clinton, to athletes, to late night television hosts to you name it during the segment, and came up empty. Little surprise since reality does have a liberal bias. These liars have chosen their straw men to keep their base whipped into a frenzy. Don't count on any of them admitting they don't exist any time soon.

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