Bill O’Reilly Declares War On ‘Anti-Fox Defamers’

Bill O’Reilly has a new set of marching orders for reacting to the Charleston shooting. Look out Chris Hayes! Bill-O is coming for you!

Bill O’Reilly has a new set of marching orders for reacting to the Charleston shooting. Time to shrug it off as just one of those things that can’t be helped and remind blacks that black on black crime is the real problem. And for those America haters who disagree? This means war!

Apparently, O’Reilly is still smarting over his epic confrontation with Kirsten Powers of the night before, where she confronted him about racism in America and his own attitude toward African Americans. And it looks like Yahoo News posted too many reports that criticized O’Reilly.

So, in his typically humble way, O’Reilly called that “Demonizing America as a racist nation.” That was the title of his Talking Points commentary, too.

O’REILLY: The media in the USA is intimidated (by black people). The only TV network that does not accept the blatant dishonesty that America is a white supremacist nation is FOX News. And some of us on this channel get viciously attacked for standing up for the truth.

Before you get out your hanky for poor, misunderstood Bill, don’t forget – even though he might want you to – that unlike some of the people he has viciously attacked – he gets paid millions for his troubles.

O’REILLY: Last night, on my computer the Yahoo news service carried anti-Fox defamation from all kinds of crazy left websites. It was brutal. Yahoo just throwing this garbage out there with no balance, giving these smear merchants a worldwide platform.

O’Reilly complained that conservative websites were not featured “yet every anti-Fox statement Jon Stewart makes is headlined. It’s disgraceful.”

Rather than have Powers back for more discussion, O’Reilly used his platform to rant against her contentions of the night before (that racism remains a big problem and a big issue in this country) without the inconvenience of anyone arguing back. Apparently, the balance Yahoo needs is not necessary for The Factor.

As Raw Story points out, "(T)he Washington Post reported last week that 13 percent of black Americans identified race relations as the country’s most pressing issue — a 10 percent increase compared to the beginning of 2014. Also, the Atlantic reported that in a separate survey, 49 percent of respondents felt that the deaths of black men in encounters with police were part of a larger pattern, as opposed to isolated incidents. The Post also reported last October that 16 percent of white respondents in a third poll said they felt there was 'a lot' of discrimination in the country, compared to 56 percent of black respondents."

But what would black people know about racism, compared to multi-millionaire TV Star O’Reilly? So African Americans: rejoice! O’Reilly is here to whitesplain it all for you.

O’REILLY: There are anti-black bigots in America, of course there are. But to say the entire country is defined by them is a gross lie. …Most Americans, no matter what color they are, are decent, fair-minded people. But there are problems in the African-American precincts, especially in the inner city. However, the problems have little to do with white people. Rather a corrosive culture that does not confront child neglect and anti-social behavior on the streets. That’s what’s driving poverty and dysfunction!

…It’s not white on black crime that’s the problem, it’s black on black crime that is causing social chaos.

“There’s no organized effort to harm black people by white people,” O’Reilly insisted. “That doesn’t exist here.” Just pay no attention to the shocking racial injustices uncovered in Ferguson, the voter ID laws that disproportionately impede minority votes, demonizing the poor as an excuse to cut social safety nets, refusing to expand Medicaid, using racial dog whistles to smear our black president and condescendingly lecturing African Americans about what they should be thinking.

Those who disagree with O'Reilly have, apparently, declared war.

O’REILLY: Well, You want a war? You got a war. I’m not gonna sit here any longer and take this garbage. People who lie, run the country down, who are racist themselves are gonna be called out right here on The Factor.

…As I said last night, every country has racist elements within it. You’re always going to have that. You’re always going to have terrible incidents like Ferguson and Baltimore and Charleston. But every stat and every poll say the same thing. There is not an epidemic of racism in the United States of America. That is the truth and the liars who distort the record are now on notice. You will be held to account.

Watch it above, and get ready to shake in your boots (not) from the June 24 The O’Reilly Factor.

Crossposted at News Hounds.
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