Bursting Bubbles
Cosmic forecasts to create balance for self development and relationship compatibility.
Although Mercury (thoughts, communications) is moving forward, while Cancer Sun is leading us through a gentle, nurturing path, life may still be somewhat complicated with Saturn (responsibility, discipline), Neptune (imagination, dreams) and Pluto (destruction, regeneration) retrograde, as we’re forced to look much deeper into other directions.
Today’s highly flammable Jupiter/Uranus trine on Monday, June 22 could set out heels on fire. This is an intensity which can result to a much larger and expansive change in the path we’ve been following. Through some strange new scribblings on the wall, perception is cleverly rewired, delivering a bright light at the end of the tunnel. These brilliant insights help to produce an unexpected shift in luck, clarity, the fortune in truth, with an odd shift in our growth.
With the winds of change upon us, opportunities are fired up and glow brightly this week. In this transformational process, illusions or bridges may be lit and burned. Expect the unexpected. Or we may be misled to rely on the Mercury/Neptune rx square on Tuesday June 23, where life may seem easier if we were to simply close our eyes and get back to our dream. Whatever we choose, our decision will definitely influence where we’re headed and what we still need to learn. Opportunities and hardships are both a gift from the gods, if we hope to raise the frequency and evolve.
Magic exists. Who can doubt it, when there are rainbows and wildflowers, the music of the wind and the silence of the stars? Anyone who has loved has been touched by magic. It is such a simple and such an extraordinary part of the lives we live. Nora Roberts
On Wednesday, June 24 Mars exits multi-directional Gemini and carefully sidesteps through the sensitive, complicated waters of Cancer. This can be quite an uncomfortable travel for cocky, macho Mars, as he prefers to simply push his way forward, while moving everything and everyone out of his way. But driving through insecurities, vulnerabilities, unpleasant moods, mushy memorabilia, hidden agendas, bruised hearts and self-nurturing tactics will prove to be a bumpy ride for the next six weeks – whether we’re moving through our own delicate path – or the uncovered sensitivities of others.
In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit. Albert Schweitzer
Bubbles can’t help but to burst as fire-starter Mars through compassionate Cancer. Be mindful of our approach, and be aware how our own energy can affect another. The protective walls of these Cancer’s bubbles hold carefully nurtured dreams, romantic illusions, private opinions, important memories and unhealed wounds. Should these walls to break AND spill (with next week’s Full Moon) – colorful reactions would be similar to being thrown into an icy bath – either exhilarating or unforgivable. Remember to remain focused on your New Moon intentions, and to stay gentle, kind and considerate. For more information about the author, or for a personalized consult, click here.