C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Marcin Przybyłowicz And Mikolai Stroinski

For tonight's Music Club, here's one of the better game soundtracks that's come out recently.

It's tough to make orchestral score music sound unique without getting in the way of the visuals, but Marcin Przybyłowicz and Mikolai Stroinski do a great job of putting together interesting musical ideas that really compliments the art form. Aside from the harmonic and melodic aspects of the song (you know, the important stuff), you've got some cool orchestration going on here, with Tuvan throat singing as well as some reed instrument that I can't place (possibly a harmonica). There's also a lot of other instruments from around the world accompanying traditional western orchestral instrumentation. It's also done in a way that doesn't sound unnatural, which can be a difficult task when arranging something like this. However, Mikolai and Marcin get it done and make it memorable at the same time.

What are some of your favorite theme songs from movies, television shows, video games, etc.?

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