Fox & Friends Shows More Love To Right Wing Teen CJ Pearson

Fox has found the next "rising star" to play the part of Uncle Ruckus on their network when he's old enough.

Fox & Friends gets quite indignant about kids who espouse liberal opinions. Yet, they just love them their CJ Pearson, an Obama hating African-American kid. This Sunday morning, he returned to Fox & Friends where he pimped more right wing talking points (and himself) while the Fox friends just glowed.

Im March, Pearson, the newest Fox right wing wunderkind, made his first Fox & Friends appearance during which he was able to promote his "viral" anti-Obama video in which he applauded Rudy Giuliani for accusing the President of not loving America - a video warmly embraced by the right wing media because, as noted on Wonkette, it "totally nails conservative victimhood "which is, of course, the red meat of Fox News. This morning, Pearson returned to Fox & Friends where his right wing talking points took second place to CJ Pearson's conservative awesomeness.

Tucker Carlson reported that Pearson, "a rising You Tube star," has observed that the President has been interviewed by other You Tube personalities and he "wants his turn" to do so. Video was shown of Pearson's "bold and simple request" to interview Obama because he wants to talk to the President about "your vision for this nation" because "my generation deserves answers." Pearson declares that he will "fight for the future" of his generation.

Anna Kooiman informed us that although the White House hasn't responded to the demand, "CJ's powerful message and passion for America are making waves." Kooiman sported a great big grin as she introduced Pearson. She commented that "some say" that Obama's You Tube videos are "soft-ball" and asked Pearson how his "questions would stack up to the fruit-loop lady."

Pearson wasted no time in slaming GloZell Green with his claim that his questions "would be more direct and straightforward" because he would ask about "policies that matter." No softballs for Pearson because he believes that if Obama "is going to be the leader of the free world, he deserves to be questioned appropriately" and, of course, CJ is the one to do it.

Pearson credited his parents for supporting him and quipped that even though they are Democrats, they will have to vote GOP when he runs for office. He bragged about his student government experience. To Carlson's question about how he responds to criticism, Pearson confidently asserted that it means that he's "doing what he's supposed to be doing and fighting for what I believe in."

Kooiman cued up the right wing propaganda with her question of what he thought of Hillary Clinton. Pearson said that she "is one of the most narcissistic, self centered politicians to this day." He described her as being "plagued with scandal and doesn't deserve to even be a candidate for the White House" but, rather (hardeharhar) "a candidate for the federal penitentiary."He then articulated his support for Rand Paul because he "connects with younger voters" in his message of "limited government."

Hey, if CJ plays his cards right, he could be the next Kevin Jackson. Or even better, he could be Fox's first full time African-American prime time host. Nah, too soon!

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