Fox Guest: Obama Would Not Be President If He Were Barry Obama
Fox’s favorite black Uncle Ruckus, Kevin Jackson, was back on The Kelly File last night to talk about why Barack Obama doesn’t use the name “Barry.”
Fox’s favorite black racist, Kevin Jackson was back on The Kelly File last night to talk about Rachel Dolezal and to make the dubious argument that “the Dolezal effect” is why Elizabeth Warren is not running for president and why Barack Obama doesn’t use the name “Barry.” There was also a racist joke about Jamaicans while Jackson was at it.
Jackson has quite the racist record on Fox. He has called for a “white Republican” mayor of Baltimore and for president, attacked a fellow guest by accusing him of being “a race pimp,” referred to Africa as President Obama’s “home country,” and has laughably insisted conservatives, like himself, “don’t look at things in terms of color.”
It speaks volumes that Fox would continue to book Jackson as a credible voice on any subject, much less one about Rachel Dolezal, the former NAACP chapter president who has been outed as white.
Nevertheless, Jackson responded to a clip of Michael Eric Dyson talking about Dolezal by calling him “a race pimp.” There was no objection from “straight news anchor” Megyn Kelly.
“These guys are reeling, Megyn, because this so defeats the narrative of how oppressed it is to be black in America,” Jackson insisted.
Then he embarked on his latest race rant – as Kelly quietly listened.
JACKSON: Elizabeth Warren should be the one who we’d really be talking about. The reason why she won’t run for president is because of “the Dolezal effect.” She knows she’s a liar.
There are a couple things you can think about here, Megyn. One, Barack Obama would not be president if he were Barry Obama, if he were to cater to his white side. This lady (Dolezal) had more jobs than a Jamaican and she wouldn’t have any of ‘em if she hadn’t claimed to be black and I’ll tell you, and Elizabeth Warren wouldn’t have a career if she hadn’t faked being an Indian. This is the pathology of the left.
The only thing Megyn Kelly challenged? “I don’t get the Jamaican thing. Do Jamaicans have a lot of jobs?”
Yes, they do, Jackson said.
But that wasn’t grounds to end the interview. Kelly brought the discussion back to Dolezal and Jackson called her a “pathological liar” like all liberals who “don’t want to live up to the truth of who they are.”
Kelly ended the interview by saying, “Kevin, always interested in getting your perspective. Thank you so much. I learned a lot.”
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