The Guy Who Performs Rick Perry's Campaign Song Loves His Country -- But Which Country Is That?
In the lyrics of the original song, Ford says, "I'm a flag flyin' bible totin' son of a gun." But what flag is Ford flying?
In my last post, I told you about Rick Perry's campaign song, a rewritten version of Colt Ford's "Answer to No One" with new Perry-centric lyrics:
In the lyrics of the original song, Ford says, "I'm a flag flyin' bible totin' son of a gun." But what flag is Ford flying? As TheHatist wrote in the comments to the last post,
I also imagine that this guy owns more than one southern flag, which means he loves America so much he wants to leave it, just as soon as he's done celebrating his right to own people as property, as long as they are dark enough. Just after he appropriates more of their culture.
That was a pretty good guess. Here's a photo of Ford:

Without squinting, I can tell that the message next to the upper Stars and Bars is KISS MY REBEL ASS. (It's a lot clearer here.) But what's below it?
I'd say it's this:

So, yeah, this guy doesn't merely wear the Stars and Bars as a matter of "Southern pride" -- he regards the army of the Confederacy as a bulwark against "terrorists," i.e., Union forces.
Well, Rick Perry has been known to talk casually about Texas secession, so I guess this is appropriate.