Hannity Guest Attacks Civil Rights Activist DeRay McKesson: ‘You’re A Race Pimp!'

For some reason, Sean Hannity thinks it’s newsworthy that African American DeRay McKesson has gone around the country joining Black Lives Matter protests. But instead of interviewing McKesson and finding out what he’s up to, Hannity trotted out black racist Kevin Jackson to throw out racial epithets at McKesson.

For some reason, Sean Hannity thinks it’s newsworthy that African American DeRay McKesson has gone around the country joining Black Lives Matter protests. But instead of interviewing McKesson and finding out what he’s up to, Hannity trotted out black racist Kevin Jackson to throw out racial epithets at McKesson.

Apparently, Hannity was very put out at the thought that McKesson wants to set up a non-profit corporation for his activism work. “Is this your profession now?” Hannity asked scornfully.

McKesson replied, “I’m somebody who’s focused on justice. Is this a question that you’re asking me because I’m a person of color? Do you ask white people this, too?”

Of course Hannity wouldn't. Let’s not forget that his hero – until it became inexpedient - was mooching, racist rancher Cliven Bundy, who refused to pay his grazing fees and threatened U.S. law enforcers with armed insurrection.

McKesson said he has been using his savings (according to the New York Times, McKesson recently had a six-figure salary) and accepts “contributions from my friends.” But really, why does this matter? Hannity, though he “asked” McKesson if he's taken part in any rioting or looting, never accused McKesson of agitating or demagoguing. When it turned out McKesson had not, Hannity started demonizing Michael Brown, thereby suggesting that McKesson was little more than a thug lover.

Jackson, on the other hand, did all the race baiting for Hannity. You may recall that Jackson recently said that Baltimore needs a "white, Republican mayor" and that America needs a "white, Republican president." Clearly, that has not damaged his credibility on race relations at Fox.

Jackson got right to race baiting McKesson:

You haven’t been to the funeral of any cop that was killed in the line of duty, I’ll bet you that. I’ll bet you haven’t saved up for that. I’ll bet you haven’t been to the celebration ceremony of cops who have protected many, many black people. …I’ll bet you haven’t been to the funeral of any of the kids that are killed that aren’t in these types of scenarios where race baiters and race pimps like you appear. Those are the things that you should be caring about. I’ll bet you don’t care about these neighborhoods once you leave, when you start problems or the money that has to be paid to restore them, when people like you leave.

You’re a sucker that’s going around this country starting problems, not caring about what happens after the fact, because it’s given you a bit of notoriety. You should just admit that. You’re a race pimp!

Hannity – who has palled around with many racists even before he became Bundy’s champion – let Jackson racially attack McKesson and then piled on.

“Do you believe a person is innocent until proven guilty?” Hannity asked. “Do you believe cops are innocent until proven guilty?”

There was absolutely no reason to think McKesson didn’t. But it was clear Hannity had adjudged him guilty before the guy showed up on camera.

As Brave New Films documented in its “Fox Attacks Black America” video (which I helped research), outsourcing race baiting is a common Fox News tactic.

Watch it happen again on the June 9 Hannity, above. Below is the Fox Attacks Black America video that puts this segment in its proper context.

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