Howie Kurtz Bemoans Financial Critique Of Poor Marco Rubio

He's just a father of four who wants a nice boat and three homes for his family How dare we criticize him for being fiscally irresponsible.

It's not at all surprising that the right wingers are coming out in droves to defend Marco Rubio from the N.Y.Times article entitled, Marco Rubio’s Career Bedeviled by Financial Struggles The right can't seem to ever criticize their own, whether it's their defense of the Duggar's tolerance of a serial molester or a fiscally irresponsible Republican that has clearly lived outside his means.

Howie Kurtz vehemently defends Rubio, accusing the 'Left' of being unfairly critical and claiming

...(that) there is a disapproving tone to the story, as if you can hear the attack-ad narrator in the background: If he can’t manage his own finances, why should we trust him with our money?

Meanwhile, the GOP drudges up a 43 year-old essay written by a young Bernie Sanders in an attempt to malign him, but a fiscally reckless Rubio should be treated with kindness and respect.

In an effort to make it look as if the critics are merely chastising Rubio because of his lack of wealth, Erick Erickson tweeted

Ann Coulter and Brit Hume also tweeted their derision of the NY Times article.

Even Willard Romney, in the 2012 campaign, had his reservations about Rubio, actually passing on him because of his sketchy finances. Willard is the man, if you recall, who refused to reveal more than two years of personal income taxes, while having a car elevator and his own questionable business practices. From the Times:

Among the serious contenders for the presidency, Mr. Rubio stands out for his youth, for his meteoric political rise — and for the persistent doubts about his financial management, to the point that Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign flagged the issue when vetting Mr. Rubio as a possible running mate in 2012, interviews show.

There are plenty of reasons to be skeptical of the sensibilities of the thirsty candidate. From TPM: Mixing Family And Politics.

There are multiple instances of Rubio putting family members in important political roles, the Times said. His wife Jeanette, for instance, served as the treasurer of a pro-Rubio political action committee, which Rubio called a bad idea.
But there's more. The Times said one PAC "was used to reimburse the couple thousands of dollars for meals, gas and long-distance calls." Three relatives worked for another PAC. Close friends also worked for the PACs.

Howie is miffed that the Times even mentions the luxury speedboat. He disagrees that it was the slightest bit extravagant.

After landing an $800,000 contract to write a memoir, Rubio spent $80,000 on what the Times calls a luxury speedboat--and the campaign says is just a family fishing boat.

It's just so absurd that the Clintons are constantly scrutinized for their CGI, which is a charitable organization, and the speaking fees earned by Bill and Hillary are a source of GOP outrage and controversy. Meanwhile, President Bush 43 oversaw eight years of America's financial demise with millions of lives and trillions of dollars lost and his exorbitant speaking fees don't even earn a passing mention. Let's also remember that W doesn't allow his speeches to be recorded.

Kurtz believes this is a story which will humanize Rubio to Republican voters, but upon closer scrutiny, Rubio is wrought with real lapses in sound judgement.

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