Jindal Twists Himself In Knots Over Question On Interracial Marriage

Gov. Bobby Jindal joins looney Scalia: Words no longer have meaning on marriage equality. Especially Jindal's.

Chuck Todd attempted to rectify his awful show from last week by pretending to be tough on the Governor of Louisiana. He accuses Jindal of pandering to the audience by claiming that his kids just LOVE the Iowa State Fair. That was the brunt of his toughness towards Governor Jindal. The rest of the segment was devoted to giving the new GOP Candidate a forum to lie without challenge.

Chucky tells him that Louisiana is, thus far, the only state to not issue any same-sex marriage licenses. That's because Piyush 'Bobby' Jindal doesn't agree with the ruling of the Supreme Court. He says,

I think it (marriage) should remain between a man and a woman.

No kidding, everyone in the clown car has said that ad nauseum. He says that

It (traditional 'Biblical' marriage) has been taught in our faith for centuries.

But has it? Someone ought to tell him that Biblical marriage is not exactly what Piyush claims it is.

The Bible actually endorses polygamy.

In fact, there were a variety of unions and family configurations that were permissible in the cultures that produced the Bible, and these ranged from monogamy (Titus 1:6) to those where rape victims were forced to marry their rapist (Deuteronomy 22:28-29) and to those Levirate marriage commands obligating a man to marry his brother’s widow regardless of the living brother’s marital status (Deuteronomy 25:5-10; Genesis 38; Ruth 2-4). Others insisted that celibacy was the preferred option (1 Corinthians 7:8; 28).

Jindal, like the hypocritical Constitution-loving Republican he is, thinks that we should get rid of the Supreme Court, screw that silly three branches of government, system of checks and balances idea. He loves the Constitution so much, he wants to toss it in the trash and start over with Charles and David Koch writing the rules. Who cares what our Founding Fathers mandated?

It's a funny thing, that Constitutional cherry-picking, isn't it? Jindal said nothing of the most egregiously anti-Conservative ideological decision known as Citizens United. In fact, he's hired the 'Superlawyer' who represented Citizens United to work on his own presidential campaign. So as far as Piyush Jindal is concerned, the Supreme Court exists only when it supports his party's convoluted ideology.

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