Jon Stewart And Crew 'Orgasmic' Over Trump Announcement

Jon Stewart thanked the latest member of the 2016 GOP clown car for making his last six weeks at The Daily Show, his best six weeks.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart and a couple of his correspondents were just a little bit... excited shall we say at the prospect of Donald Trump throwing his hat into the ring for 2016.

Jon Stewart Thanks Trump for ‘Making My Last 6 Weeks My Best 6 Weeks’:

As we all hoped and prayed he would, Jon Stewart opened The Daily Show Tuesday night with the “gift from heaven” that is Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential announcement. But before the delicious dessert, Stewart decided to feed his audience some “spinach” in the form of Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush’s campaign launch speeches that occurred in quick succession over the last few days.

“Pick up the pace, there’s a crazy person running for president!” the host screamed at Clinton as he attempted to get through a quick clip of her remarks.

Without much further delay, Stewart moved on to the moment he and his audience had been waiting for. “A billionaire vanity candidate taking the escalator to the White House!” he said. “Let’s dance, Clownstick!”

Stewart reveled in the speech, which he described as “the most beautifully ridiculous jibber-jabber ever to pour from the mouth of a batshit billionaire.”

“America’s id is running for president!” he exclaimed. “This speech was so fucked up that in the middle of it, all the liquid in his body tried to escape from the corner of his mouth.”

Stewart followed up with some reporting on the scene from two of his correspondents, Jordan Klepper and Hasan Minhaj, and they were so excited about Trump running that things got a little out of hand. Jessica Williams brought them all back to reality though, and wasn't impressed at all with Trumps "big" announcement.

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