Keith Ablow Blames Leftist Tolerance For NAACP Race Controversy

Dr. Keith Ablow struggles to understand Rachel Dolezal's internal conflict.

I was surprised that the racial controversy of (now ex) Spokane NAACP President, Rachel Dolezal has become such a hot button issue. Everyone has an opinion and I posted mine on Friday.

Of course, Fox 'News' is just chomping at the bit to put their spin on the story and who do they turn to? The resident 'doctor,' Dr. Keith Ablow is their guy who will explain the psychological underpinnings that caused her to do something the Fox 'News' crowd would never imagine: changing her identifying race from white to black.

Ablow says,

"When you decide that a genetic reality is not reality, if this woman believes to her core that her identity is that of a black woman, one could argue, not me, but one could argue that she should be accepted according to her "racial identity." We saw this with Elizabeth Warren, saying "I'm Native American." People said, 'no you're not.' Well you know, it's very difficult to get into the nuances of this. We could be coming to a time, strangely some might say, where what people SAY they are is what you have to accept them as."

Elisabeth Hasselbeck said that Melissa Harris Perry sympathized with Rachel Dolezal and concluded that maybe she's 'Transblack.' So Keith takes that idea and brings us along to a strange corner of his psyche.

'If I believe in my soul, I believe I am a 65 year-old man when in fact I am 53, and I feel it in my core, can I apply for Medicare?'

That's the angle Fox News wants to take. They assume that liberals are trying to reassign their gender, race and perhaps their age to COMMIT FRAUD. That's the only reason the 'brains' at Fox 'News' could fathom a person who becomes something different than their genetic composition. They only imagine insidious motives behind Rachel's decision.

They want their audience to think that they are as accepting and empathetic as those on the Left. So they drum up Caitlyn Jenner, the transgender woman, as the go-to person to show that they are tolerant. That tolerance is a ruse because Ablow says she and/or he, depending on who you are and doesn't really acknowledge Jenner as a woman. Ablow speaks of her as if she were a 'Liberal,' a Democrat, not the Republican she claims to be. Jenner, according to Ablow, is doing all this because she's simply 'addicted to fame.'

If that doesn't scare the viewers, what Ablow says next likely will:

'They're bringing kids, 9 and 10 years old, over to Boston Children's Hospital, probably today, who think that they may be of alternate gender and they will inject them with hormones around puberty time to prevent puberty. Don't be surprised if some child says, I was born Caucasian but I'm Black, and if you see them being tattooed, I told you so.

Doocy concludes with, "Interesting times we're living in." Hahaha Steve! You're so insightful.

It's the tolerant left that is allowing these ambivalent people who don't know who they are to come forward. The Right would prefer people to stay closeted, like Senator Lindsey Graham and Marcus Bachmann, rather than deal with something they find icky and uncomfortable. Living a lie is okay if you are a Republican. In fact, it's mandatory for some Speakers of the House.

Perhaps if Rachel felt she had the support of a lot of 'leftists' she wouldn't have just resigned from her post at the Spokane NAACP. Apparently, she couldn't take the heat any longer, especially with her parents' very public betrayal of their daughter's chosen lifestyle. I'm sure Ablow is relieved that she has been demoralized because his Fox 'News' crowd simply doesn't understand why anyone would want to be a blah person.

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