Matthew Continetti Is A Chip Off The Ol' Bloody Bill Block

Bloody Bill's son-in-law Matthew Continetti earns 'daddy's' approval with an equally awful attitude and résumé.

Matthew Continetti Is A Chip Off The Ol' Bloody Bill Block

Credit: Crooks & Liars
The Washington Free Beacon, in case you've never heard of it, is an online blog site with an unpleasant neocon slant. Its editor-in-chief, Matthew Continetti married Ann Kristol in 2012 which ensures that his daddy-in-law's brand of hawkish idiocy will continue for at least another generation. Most notably, Continetti has a rampant case of Hillary Derangement Syndrome which stems from the threat she poses to all the konservative klown kar Republicans.

In addition to managing the site that has a Kate Upton stalker problem, Matthew has his very own 'accomplishments.' He is a contributing editor for daddy-in-law's The Weekly Standard. He is the author of “The Persecution of Sarah Palin: How the Elite Media Tried to Bring Down a Rising Star.” The fact that he penned a 'book' praising the 'virtues' of Sarah Palin is as much of a credibility dis-qualifier as the selection of the brawling family matriarch as a running mate was for John McCain.

In the past year, he has written scores of articles bashing Hillary Clinton. Even the birth of her granddaughter evoked bitter scorn.

"Clinton’s flaunting of her grandchild is one of the most transparently cynical and sentimental acts of a major American politician that I can recall."

Really? Because she tweeted #GrandmothersKnowBest in support of vaccinations for children, she's cynical?

Friday's hit piece, The Good Soldier Clinton delighted his pop-in-law and he gleefully tweeted a lame excerpt.

The relationship between Bill Kristol and Matthew is reminiscent of Liz Cheney, always seeking to impress daddy Dick with her evil ideas. He is upset that Hillary isn't committed to entangling the United States in another conflict in the Middle East, and criticizes her evolution on the idea of occupying countries which stems from our disastrous record thus far. He also falsely promulgates the myth that she is not answering questions, even though she is.

"Mostly what you hear from Clinton is nothing, a pronounced and unnerving silence—a refusal to weigh in on those many public questions that she and her army of consultants haven’t already poll tested, focus-grouped, picked clean of controversy and novelty and interest. On a paramount matter of national security, she does nothing but parrot the Obama line. “You can’t very well put American or Western troops in,” she said in February".

The fact is, America is war-weary and hesitant to entangle ourselves in a conflict in a region where the lines of good and evil are very blurred. Iran is in the fight because of its geographical proximity and that troubles hawks like Continetti and Kristol. It is no secret the right wing adores Israeli PM Netanyahu and would love nothing more than a full scale war to take out Iran. Cooler heads have prevailed and the only way these lunatics would be allowed to start a war with Iran is if a Republican wins the White House (dog forbid). The entire premise of the article, that Hillary supports a losing war-strategy is false. We are not at war.

Gawker accurately assessed The Free Beacon as

a tabloidy blog site for millennial Beltway righties who hate liberals but love craft beer.

It will continue to exist as a testament to the failed hawkish ideas of his dad-in-law. In the words of a rather sagacious progressive, Kristol has been constantly rewarded by the media while,

1) Being completely f*cking wrong about everything for +30 years, and 2) Being lying, pants-burning-like-a-tire-fire hypocrites who ferociously oppose things under the Kenyan Usurper which they either never gave a shit about or ferociously supported under the Bush Regime.

Continetti is also spectacularly full of it, and his smug, false assessments of Hillary Clinton will have as much impact as Bloody Bill has had in presidential politics. And that is a very good thing.

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