No. 14! Chris Christie Announces His Candidacy

Christie, who delivered his remarks in front of a large American flag and without a teleprompter, sharply criticized both Republicans and Democrats.

If you like the way he talks, give him a talk show. But don't let this crook anywhere near the White House:

WASHINGTON – New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie returned to his alma mater on Tuesday to formally announce his 2016 presidential bid, embracing his blunt-talking persona as he strives to stand out from the jam-packed field.

“I mean what I say and I say what I mean, and that’s what America needs right now,” Christie said, from a podium at Livingston High School, where he stood with his wife and children.

At times, Christie, who delivered his remarks in front of a large American flag and without a teleprompter, sharply criticized both Republicans and Democrats.

“Both parties have failed our country,” he said.

Christie, a former U.S. attorney who is serving his second term as governor of the Garden State, is the 14th Republican to enter the 2016 race.

Christie spent much of his 20-minute speech to reintroduce himself to a national audience that’s seen him fade from favor among the GOP faithful. Days earlier, he launched a website under the campaign slogan, "Telling It Like It Is."

“Both parties have failed our country,” Christie said, adding, “Compromise is now a dirty word.”

Christie made his announcement from the gymnasium at Livingston – the location of some of his very first political victories. Christie spent three years as president of his high school class there.

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