Reince Priebus Tells Hannity That Hillary Clinton 'Is Not Relatable'

Nothing like a little free air time on Faux "news" for RNC Chair Reince Priebus to run one of their attack ads on Hillary Clinton.

Nothing like a little free air time on Faux "news" for RNC Chair Reince Priebus to run one of their attack ads on Hillary Clinton. RNCPRBS joined Hannity on his show on Faux "news" this Wednesday to discuss the 2016 presidential primary race, and Hannity was full of suggestions on other ways to attack the Democratic frontrunner and had some fun helping Priebus go after Clinton for being "out of touch" because she "doesn't drive."

Someone let me know when Hannity's got some similar criticisms for anyone on the Republican side of the aisle who's had Secret Service protection dictating what they can and can't do for decades and get back to me. Don't worry, I won't hold my breath while I'm waiting.

Hannity and Priebus' main line of attack on Clinton was that her poll numbers are going down. Hmmmmm. I wonder why that is? Non-stop attacks on BENGHAZI!!! and trying to turn their charitable organization into a political PAC by the media wouldn't have anything to do with it, would it?

Every time I see one of these pundits polluting our airways with this stuff talk about her poll numbers, I think they should be forced to hang a bit "Mission Accomplished" banner right behind their head while they're doing it. Maybe then at least a few of the viewers might be clued in to what they're actually watching on their television screens.

Here's more from Fox's blog with Mr. Man-of-the-People Priebus going after the Hildabeast: RNC Chairman: Hillary Clinton 'Is Not Relatable':

On "Hannity" tonight, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus slammed Hillary Clinton for being "out of touch" with the American people.

A new RNC political advertisement portrays Clinton as being "dishonest," "untrustworthy" and "out of touch."

Hannity asked Priebus how big of an issue with voters it will be that Clinton reportedly did favors for foreign governments and groups in exchange for cash.

"It's going to be a huge issue Sean," Priebus replied. "Hillary Clinton is unrelatable ... She doesn't live a life that's even remotely close to any actual average families that are out there in Ohio that are going to be voting."

The money allegedly came in the form of huge speaking fees for former President Bill Clinton and donations to the Clinton's foundation.

Priebus stated that it's going to be up to Republicans to remind people who the Clintons really are.

Yes, the Republicans and their allies in the media, like Hannity and his cohorts. Priebus can't even control his own caucus and the insane number of candidates who have thrown their hat into the ring to run for President on his side of the aisle, but never mind that. That's not up for discussion on Hannity's show, but there's never enough time to trash Clinton as some out of touch elitist.


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