Rick Wiles Tells Alan Colmes 'America Has Morphed Into Babylon'

'The Watchman' proclaims that America is finished, thanks to SCOTUS' marriage equality decision.

Friday's SCOTUS decision legalizing marriage equality is viewed in fundamentalist Christian circles as the spiritual equivalent of 9/11. Just two weeks before this day of reckoning, the Dominionist, End-Times founder of TruNews, Rick Wiles, joined Alan Colmes on his radio show. Apparently, the 'prophet' was prophetic, by predicting that America is TOAST. It most certainly appears this way to all the people who believe in the vengeful God of the Old Testament, who punishes with impunity. In other words, the beliefs of those in the Republican Religious Right are coming to pass.

On Tuesday's Alan Colmes Versus, Wiles appeared post-6/26 to scare-monger the hell out of everyone now that we've reached a tipping point. We have morphed into Babylon.

A serendipitous stop at Reagan National Airport on 6/26 afforded Wiles the opportunity to walk into the heart of Washington DC and recite versus of doom out loud from Jeremiah 50, so it's a fait accompli, America will certainly face a fiery end. This is the same man who called President Obama the 'uncircumcised Philistine in the White House.' Wiles, like many of these End Times-era vocalists, has a preoccupation with sex. He said,

'The Final Abomination has occurred on the day the court decided it had authority over God... We are a Pagan Nation... Babylon does not have a nice ending.

Wiles tells us how it's all going to go down.

'Almighty God is going to remove his divine blessings from this nation and he's going to lift his hand of protection from this nation. He will permit America's enemies to attack this nation. What I see coming, in the near future, I believe first God will strike America's idols, her high places, sexual pleasure, luxurious living, hedonism, our wealth. I see a financial panic coming in the near future, I believe the Stock Market will plunge, the dollar will be replaced as the preferred global currency, I believe God will cut off America's food supply and this nation will be hit with disease, pestilence, drought, natural calamities, a great shaking.

Alan Colmes asks,

'All this because of the Supreme Court decision on gay marriage?'


Thank goodness it's just slavery, the fine SCOTUS Justice, Clarence Thomas said that slavery, at least, doesn't take away a man's dignity, so that's a relief.

In summary, God has had it with us. Our rebelliousness and our hubris has caused our imminent denouement, we've pushed God too far to expect any forgiveness now. This scaremonger 'Watchman' tried to warn us, but it's too late. He urges Alan to get out of New York City, and Wiles himself promises that he is leaving the United States. He's not ready to tell us where he's headed and when he's leaving. But, he does know for a fact that he's given it his all for seventeen years, and it's no longer possible to save this country.

As idiotic and preposterous as all this drama sounds, this comes from a substantially, well-funded movement in the very Christian Republican States of America. From Seven Mountains Dominionists, to the Quiverfull Movement adherents (i.e. The Duggars), and Rafael Cruz's brand of crazy Baptist fundamentalism, this spreads far and wide across Red-State America. It can also be found at events like the anointing of Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Reince Priebus at a politics meets theocracy ceremony in Iowa, this crazy jiggery pokery is not something to sneeze at. The Alex Jones, James Dobson, Glenn Beck, and Joel Osteen brands of snake oil sales are doing pretty well financially. They are ready to launch a Dominionist war to take over all auspices of government and society (Seven Mountains) which officially begun, in their minds, the very instance that marriage equality became the law of the land. The Die Is Cast, and we have crossed the Rubicon.

Notice how many of these sanctimonious holy men are so preoccupied with sex and pleasure, that people like Wiles are so often caught red-handed in sexual dalliances of a less than kosher nature? These are the very same people committing all the sins that they cherry-pick from the Bible, while predicting fallacious doom and gloom for the rest of us non-believers. They don't realize that they're practicing the same Shari'a Law they so vocally denounce, Christian Shari'a.

Come one, come all, it's time to meet with Billionaire Sheldon Adelson, Ted Cruz, Bibi Netanyahu and a sojourn to the Holy City of Jerusalem so we can get this party war started. If they want it to be the End Times, who's to say they aren't going to do everything they can to expedite our day of reckoning? Don't elect these lunatics into positions of power and we may have a chance to quash this crazy end-times thinking and live in harmony with the earth, man and nature.

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