Sexually Repressed Free Beacon Lambastes Russ Feingold Fundraiser
Republicans prefer to deny their sexuality, not celebrate it.

At first sight, you might think The Washington Free Beacon is like The Onion, it is not. The Free Beacon is a publication that kowtows to the whims of Bill Kristol's son-in-law, who has been appointed editor-in-chief. Most of the writers, like head honcho, Matthew Continetti, come from privileged backgrounds, and contributor Brent Scher is equally dedicated to passing off conservative spin as fact. He took time away from his Hillary-bashing to criticize a fundraiser that is 'expensive.' Since no one in the Republican Party ever throws a costly fundraiser, it is only fair that they criticize Democrats for charging over $1,000 a plate! *Snark*
Scher tweets:
.@russfeingold, will there be Playboy bunnies there? #askingforafriend #wisen
— Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) June 15, 2015
He writes:
Christie Hefner, the former CEO of Playboy, current board member of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, and daughter of adult publishing legend Hugh Hefner, is holding a fundraiser Monday evening for Democrat Russ Feingold, who is running for Senate in Wisconsin.
Hefner is holding the reception for Feingold at her Chicago home. The least expensive tickets cost $1,000, but $2,700 co-host tickets and $5,400 host tickets are also available.
Hefner is not new to politics. She has donated more than $200,000 over the past three decades, and almost all of it has gone to candidates on the left.
Apparently, the reader of the Free Beacon is supposed to be outraged that someone in the business of selling sex has the nerve to support political candidates. Don't kid yourselves, this conservative rag fills its space with sections devoted to stalking models like Kate Upton. But Republicans are notorious for hiding their sexuality, as they seem to have more public scandals than Democrats.

What gets me is how a person like Christie Hefner, who has spearheaded a profitable corporation that fills a niche in the entertainment business, holds a fundraiser, and it outrages and titillates Republicans. This is because Republicans are the party of sexual denial and repression: women shouldn't have the freedom to choose what they do with their reproductive health, alternative lifestyles should be viewed as dirty and forbidden and heaven forbid we teach kids about human sexuality so we can prevent teenage pregnancies. Funny, teen pregnancy rates are highest in red states that identify more as Conservative Christian.
Meanwhile, parasitic hedge fund managers, lobbyist and fossil fuel polluters can host fundraisers left and right and they won't raise a single Republican eyebrow. The Koch Brothers (oil), Willard Romney (Monsanto), Sheldon Adelson (gambling) (to name just a few) all head companies that are harmful to humanity, yet they can raise obscene sums of cash for their candidates and nobody takes note. Russ Feingold has a pretty good chance of kicking Ron Johnson's ass in the 2016 race so the folks at the Free Beacon will do everything in their small-minded capacity to try to knock down qualified Democrats like him.