West: Confederate Flag Removal Is A Manufactured Political Frenzy

Allen West is unfazed by the Confederate Flag's slavery symbolism, and why should he be?

Good morning everyone! Time for Fox 'News' to truck out one of their Uncle Ruckuses to defend the hateful jerks who think the Confederate Flag should fly everywhere. Allen West breaks it down for us pretty clearly,

The deaths of the nine people in Charleston were horrific, but let's look at the number or black men killed in Chicago. Can you hear the racist dogwhistle?

It's the breakdown of the two parent household, you silly, petty people! West believes that the breakdown of the family in black households is the problem, not some piece of cloth. So what if the flag represents the fight to keep slavery legal? People are just so sensitive. Even black man, Allen West isn't concerned with the symbol of human bondage, why should you be?

Seems like Allen and Django's Stephen are two of a kind

It's so apropos that they'd have this race traitor on to bitch about NASCAR head Brian France's statement:

We are going to do everything we can to disassociate ourselves with that flag.

Doocy asks if

'moves like this are motivated by politics?'

Of course, West concurs: Absolutely.

He blames the motto of Rahm Emanuel, current Chicago Mayor and Obama surrogate, 'never let a good crisis go to waste.' It's undoubtedly politically motivated, they don't really care that the flag offends black people. West assumes Democrats think like heartless Republicans.

He then allocated the blame for the denouement of black society on LBJ and his Great Society, as if that was the reason. There's no doubt in West's mind that Roof the killer was a racist sociopath, but it has NOTHING to do with the Confederate Stars and Bars. The public, the free market, should make that decision. If the market wants to be insensitive and racist, so be it.

He's appalled that Harry Reid called for the renaming of UNLV's Running Rebels mascot. Once again, West is another apologist for the racist element that undoubtedly populates his insidious political party.

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