Bill Cosby, Rapist? - Try To Care

This episode of "Try To Care" is about Bill Cosby and the sexual allegations against him. Do you care? Remember to subscribe to youtube.com/newsynews.

Recently I started filming a new show called "Try To Care" where we talk about issues facing the country. The goal is to be like a panel version of "The Daily Show." In this episode, we're talking about Bill Cosby and the sexual allegations against him. As you know, Bill Cosby has been accused of drugging and raping dozens of women. The women were often shamed and called liars. However, after a deposition was unsealed, the public was able to hear in his own words that he had 7 prescriptions for quaaludes and that his intent was to give them to women in order to have sex with them. This is a big deal to some people...do you care though? Listen to the #TryToCare crew and let us know below how you feel.

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