Carly Fiorina Pretends She Cares About Income Inequality

Fiorina: Unlike Hillary, I've actually accomplished something, except that something was firing tens of thousands and running companies into Middle Earth™

What can we say about Carly Fiorina? If you look at her work history, you can't say much that is complimentary. I'll let Charlie Pierce explain:

I have heard of humble-bragging, but this is an entirely new tactic -- failure-bragging. At Hewlett-Packard, she nearly ran the company into Middle Earth, bragged about outsourcing jobs when she did it, and was generally so incompetent a manager that the company paid her millions of dollars to never darken its towels again. This is the record on which she is running for president. Also, no porn at work, or she's going to outsource the Department of Agriculture to a sweatshop in Bangladesh.

She appeared this morning on This Week With George Stephanopoulos, who introduced her as a serious and qualified candidate for U.S. President.

The mean girl who has been stalking Hillary Clinton recently, was asked what she thought of the Democratic front-runner.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Big economic speech coming tomorrow from Hillary Clinton. She's going to address what she calls the defining challenge of our time, the wage gap, the fact that Americans are working harder than ever before, but their wages are not going up. Do you agree with the way that she's defined the problem? And if her ideas aren't the best way to address it, which ones are?

FIORINA: Well, I think income inequality is a huge problem. And let's look to the state of California where I lived for 12 years, liberal policies have been in place for decades, and yet 111 billionaires, good for them, the highest poverty rates in the nation, the exodus of the middle class, the destruction of industry after industry. Now they're destroying agriculture in California.

The truth is, Hillary Clinton's ideas create more income inequality. Why? Because bigger government creates crony capitalism. When you have a 70,000 page tax code, you've got to be very wealthy, very powerful, very well connected to dig your way through that tax code. So, she made to cry income inequality, what I will continue to point out is the fact that every policy she is pursuing will make income inequality worse, not better, crony capitalism even worse, not better. And meanwhile, we will continue to crush the businesses that create jobs and middle class families.

Isn't that rich? The woman who HP couldn't get rid of fast enough, who received over $40 million dollars in her golden parachute, is talking about income inequality? Why is it that a detailed tax code, in an age where information is far more easily accessed than before the age of the internet, is so vilified by Republicans? Is it too many pages to read? No one said you have to memorize the whole thing, just apply the pertinent parts.

If she wants to discuss the creation of jobs, simply look at her abhorrent record of job destruction at HP.

As CEO of Hewlett-Packard, Fiorina was responsible for thousands of layoffs, outsourcing jobs overseas, and gutting the shared prosperity that Silicon Valley used to pride itself on. She declared that her only mistake at HP was not firing even more people than she did.

It is laughable that this woman is given this much airtime by a major TV network. A Democrat with such a staggering level of business failure would never be afforded the pass that Fiorina has been given.

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