Cashin' In Crew Praise Rand Paul's Flat Tax Proposal
Let's pretend that the flat tax is fair. After all, it is Fox 'News'
Let's try something different: how about we pay attention to someone other than Donald Trump? How about that cool, hip, Rand Paul who triumphantly destroys the symbolic paper tax code set to the tune of Jimi Hendrix's rendition of the Star Spangled Banner (which was likely used without permission)? Wouldn't that be trendy? The four troglodyte hosts of Cashin' In on Fox 'News' salivated over the macho image of Baby Paul in a 'Detroit Republican' t-shirt, which indicates that he supports the evil, heartless behavior of the GOP in Michigan.
Desperately craving attention and a distraction from Donald Trump, Republicans have been seen lately trying to destroy a cell phone, and calling members of their own party 'liars' on the Senate Floor. Now, Randy is trying to 'kill the tax code, all 70,000 pages of it.' If there's one activity the Republicans hate, it's reading long documents without pictures and illustrations.
The Flat Tax is very deceptive, nothing about it is fair.
This means everyone pays the same tax rate as everyone else, regardless of income. Because this is about scrapping democracy's progressive tax system, this necessarily means that the rich will pay a lot less.
Wayne Rogers begins with a denouncement of the progressive income tax system because there's far too many lobbyists in Washington. As if that point made any sense, host Eric Bolling moves on and asks Jonathan Hoenig his opinion. This consisted of the trite and tired 'stop picking winners and losers' meme. The rich should always pay the least amount possible, because they are the winners, except we aren't supposed to pick those (?).
Next up, (intrinsically paternalistic) Michelle Fields, made infamous by Matt Damon's smack-down of her stupidity when she attempted to malign teachers and lifetime tenure. On the flat tax issue, she says,
'The tax code right now is not only complex, but it also leads to a lot of costs for us. Costs in terms of how much time and money Americans and businesses have to spend complying with it each year.'
She moaned about the administrative costs affiliated with a progressive tax system because it's complex. Republicans like things simple and unfair.
Jessica Tarlov, the lone Democrat, was addressed by Bolling who said,
'Jess, where are you? Just tax the heck out of everyone?'
Tarlov explains that she found Rand Paul's stunt entertaining because he wants the attention turned to him. She agreed the code could be more simplistic, especially if we have broader gradations of tax strata: lower, middle and upper income brackets.
Bolling then teased the next segment with,
'Call it the Donald Distraction. Why Liberals should be thanking Donald Trump this week.'
So much for all the other GOP Candidates.