Cosmic Insight: Free To Stand On Our Own

Cosmic forecasts to create balance for self development and relationship compatibility.

Cosmic Insight: Free To Stand On Our Own

Emotions will gain priority this week as Luna continues to swell; gearing up for her Full Moon event, Friday July 31. As sensitivities bubble, we may want to ask ourselves: ‘what do I want’ and ‘what am I hoping for’ – especially as New Moon intentions prepare to peak.

The Full Moon will bring a spotlight to endings, letting go, and the truth. What remained hidden or in the dark, will most likely be uncovered. What we need, and where we’ve invested ourselves, will also be revealed. The Full Moon will be in the sign of friendly Aquarius, which will usually encourage a ‘cool, calm and collected’ approach, created through detachment and emotional distance. Some will feel the need to separate physically, for extra breathing room and feel like an individual again. Others will experience an awareness to emotional limitations, understanding independence without having to respond to chaotic vibrations of unexpected circumstances. Which change in direction feels right for you?

I wish they would only take me as I am. Vincent van Gogh

This can be useful insight with the recent Venus retrograde, but Venus will step away from hardworking Virgo, and re-enter flashy Leo again, on Friday, July 31. Venus rules values, love and money – so as this planet continues to ‘move in reverse’ in the weeks ahead – we can find ourselves slowly backing away from currently supported relationships or material/financial possessions. In this unbalanced cycle, we can use this teeter-tottering energy to redesign our values and what we need – by giving up or doing without, while considering what and how much we’re willing to give, or invest. With Venus retrograde through royal Leo, we need to shine, glitter and be number one again – the way it use to be. Without involving ourselves with the necessary work, Leo Venus energy can often rely on ego and entitlment instead.

As hearts strain to move in the opposite direction, some could reconcile and create peace with appreciation for current value… while some could keep on straying, where old flames still burn brightly from the past. With an active Mars in sidestepping Cancer, we may be driven to try some new dance moves; which may prove to be therapeutic for the heart.

Negotiation seems like dancing the Tango, two steps forward, two steps back and suddenly three surprising steps forward. Margot Wallstrom

Since March, we’ve been on this ‘cosmic break’, which purposely slowed down what we were trying to build with Saturn retrograde. And to make sure that we were genuinely in touch with reality, karmic Saturn re-entered transformative Scorpio – determined to rebuild how we stood, by making us emotionally accountable. In the last few months, we may have learned this, by receiving exactly what we deserved – to strengthen our footing. It’s time to get back to business and pick up where we last left off, to build exactly what we need, to survive in the world. Tarot insight: Something powerful happens when we do what we promised. KingWands/Sun. For more info about the author or for a personalized consult, click here.

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