Dick Cheney: Iran Deal Brings The World Closer To Nuclear War

From the man who helped lie us into invading Iraq...

Sean Hannity apparently believes we need to hear from the man who helped lie us into invading Iraq now that the Obama administration has chosen diplomacy with Iran over going to war with them over their nuclear program. You've just gotta' love the way he started out this segment with Darth Cheney on the deal that was struck this Tuesday.

HANNITY: Mr. Vice President... uhmmm... a day that will live in infamy? Your thoughts?

"A day that will live in infamy?" huh. Like the day they invaded a country that was not a threat to us based on lies and scaring the hell out of everyone that Saddam Hussein had nuclear weapons? Good God what a sorry, shameful, nasty piece of work.

Almost as shameful as the cretin he brought on the air with him who did his best to throw cold water on any type of diplomacy with Iran, because he'd much rather have us bombing another country into the ground.

From Fox's blog on the segment: Cheney Warns That Iran Deal Brings the World Closer to Nuclear War:

Former Vice President Dick Cheney said on "Hannity" tonight that the Iranian nuclear agreement brings the world closer to the actual use of nuclear weapons.

Cheney said that President Obama's claim that the deal has stopped the proliferation of nuclear weapons is a lie.

He explained that Iran is now on the road to getting a nuke. Whether that takes months or years, it will motivate other countries in the region to get their own nuclear weapons, setting off a potentially disastrous arms race.

"That will, in fact, put us closer to the actual use of nuclear weapons than we've been at any time since Hiroshima and Nagasaki in World War II," Cheney said.

He added that President Obama's actions will lead to strained relationships with U.S. allies in the Middle East, such as Israel and Saudi Arabia.

"He's not a man of his word. He's not a man who can be trusted," Cheney said. "And I think our allies who find their very survival at question here, there isn't any way they're going to rely upon Barack Obama for safety and security. They're going to get their own."

The Guardian's Trevor Timm explained why the likes of Cheney and his ilk really hate this deal: Republicans hate the Iran nuclear deal because it means we won't bomb Iran:

For Republicans, the Iran nuclear negotiations have never been about getting “a good deal” for the US. They’ve simply wanted to preserve their ability to kill people in the Middle East whenever they want, and continue to indulge their fetish of American superpower. It doesn’t matter to Republicans whether bombing Iran virtually guarantees that actually will pursue a nuclear bomb (which, again, right now they’re not), or that a deal will hurt the hardliners in Iran that Republicans profess to hate. It only matters that they continue to have an enemy to bomb in the Middle East, and a President to criticize here at home.

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