Jon Stewart Admits He Can't Stop Watching 'Blowjob-a-Coaster' Donald Trump

As much as he tried, The Daily Show's Jon Stewart just could not stop watching the GOP's current train wreck of a frontrunner, Donald Trump.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart tried once again to turn his attention to other issues, such as the rest of the candidates running for president in 2016, but he had to admit he could not get enough of watching the GOP's current frontrunner, Donald Trump even though he felt guilty about it.

Stewart: Watching Trump Is Like ‘Eating Ice Cream on a Roller Coaster Made of Blowjobs’:

On the Thursday night episode of The Daily Show, Jon Stewart said that watching Donald Trump run for president, “it’s like eating ice cream on a roller coaster made of blow jobs, it is so much fun.” Stewart then tried to turn his attention to the activities of the other 2016 candidates, but found that giving media coverage to anyone but Trump was quite insurmountable.

He tried to watch John Kasich‘s announcement speech, but Stewart surrendered after a minute, saying, “He’s like a picture hanging up in a hotel room. You don’t notice it, It’s only really there because, how weird would bit if there were no pictures on the wall!” Afterwards, Stewart tried to bring it to the five Democratic candidates having a hall of fame dinner in Iowa, but no matter if it was Lincoln Chafee, Jim Webb, or Bernie Sanders speaking, their lack of “dickishness” kept drawing him back to Trump.

Here's more from Raw Story:

“We rail at the press for covering the flashy stupid stories instead of the important stuff,” he said. “But damn. Damn! Sometimes you’ve just gotta say what the f*ck and ride the bl*wjob-a-coaster.”

At the same time, he confessed that watching a barrage of Trump sound bites made him feel dirty.

“I’m not just letting myself down,” he fretted. “I’m letting down the forefathers of this great nation, who trusted us to steward their noble experiment of a country. But they never came up against anything like this guy.”

One possible reason Trump is trouncing other GOP contenders, the host argued, is that he has usurped roles — the “dumb guy,” the bully, the “guy who says crazy sh*t” — many of the others usually fill.

“Donald Trump is the candidate version of the hot dog-crust pizza,” he said. “You don’t want it, you never ordered it. You can’t believe someone came up with it. But now it’s all you want to eat.”


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