Kevin 'Blacksphere' Jackson Calls Movement 'Black Lies Matter'
The Uncle Ruckus is strong in this one.
The Netroots Nation Convention this past weekend had some testy moments for a few of the Democratic hopefuls. Convention attendees had legitimate gripes when the Black Lives Matter movement was somehow glossed over in lieu of the 'All Lives Matter' mention, when it's very obvious that Black Lives somehow matter less to the police. In response of this event, Megyn Kelly had on former Obama strategist Mark Hannah and The Blacksphere's Kevin Jackson. As mentioned previously, The Blacksphere is part of The Liberty Alliance, a TeaParty group, so based on those metrics, the racism towards Black Americans is guaranteed.
The Blacksphere founder missed the point entirely when he said,
the same party who booed GOD at their convention, who didn't want GOD at their convention, they booed white people too, so hey, maybe white people are GOD?
Jackson claims it's not the cops or the systemic inequalities but black liberals who are disproportionately criminals. Instead of Black Lives Matter, he thinks the movement should be renamed Black Lies Matter.
Mark Hannah attempted to explain the Black Lives Matter movement by giving statistics of the disproportionate number of unarmed black people killed in police custody, but this was quickly dismissed by the guy who said whites are now disproportionately killed relative to the demographics of criminals,
'but you don't see white people protesting.'
How Hannah didn't visibly shake after this idiotic assertion, is beyond my comprehension. He remained calm and let Megyn and Kevin lie about real facts and statistics, as per usual.
Kevin and Megyn were committed to turning this whole incident with Governor O'Malley as him not standing up to these black racial 'bullies,' but he missed his moment. It would have been more presidential for him to act, as Jackson says, like he wants to be the president of EVERYBODY.
'If Black Lives Matter so much, why don't they matter to you with abortion, why don't they matter to you when they kill each other in disproportionate numbers in our communities, why don't they matter to you with the genocide in the Motherland?'
Hannah tried to explain how O'Malley was the basis for the 'crime-fighting' white mayor of Baltimore on HBO's The Wire, but Jackson was so hell bent on maligning Baltimore as one of the murder capitals of the nation, it wouldn't matter what facts Hannah presented. O'Malley recognized the insensitivity of that moment at Netroots, and for that, the Fox 'News' opinion-givers will think he has no backbone. That's because empathy for the marginalized is not understood by GOP TV.